Chapter 12

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When I woke up Harry was still on the couch but now he was sleeping. His head was at the opposite end and his feet were near mine.

I got up, careful not to wake Harry, and walked into the kitchen. I poured some cereal and milk, turning on the mini t.v my parents had installed so they could watch the news while getting ready. I hadn't used it much.

I figured I would watch the news simply because nothing else was on.

I felt two arms slither around my waist from behind, making me jump.

"Hi." Harry's raspy morning voice tickled my ear.

"Hi." I smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

"You watch the strangest shows Talia Curt." He said, chuckling.

"Harry, it's the news and nothing else is on." I tried to turn my head but failed, he had placed his chin on my shoulder.

"The news is boring." Harry shrugged.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I turned my whole body around to face him. He moved his hands to the counter behind me.

Harry stared at me for a minute. He then rested the whole first half of his arm on the counter behind me, his face two inches away.

He continued to stare.

His gaze flickered down to my lips then back to my eyes. I knew what was gonna happen next. It had happened at his house.

Harry leaned in a small amount, looked around without moving his head then looked back at me. He leaned in again but not all the way, as if he was unsure.

The third time he finally closed the gap and pushed his lips to mine. He didn't move his arms from there position on the counter. My hands went to his sides (his ribs) but I didn't actually touch him.

The kiss lasted a good ten seconds before Harry pulled apart. After he just stared at me, like he did before.

I hugged him.

I didn't know what else to do so I hugged him. It took him a second but he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I hadn't hugged Harry since my parents died and he told me it would be okay. I'm happy I could hug him again.

"Talia?" He mumbled.

"Hm?" I didn't let go of him. I wanted to keep this as long as I could. I think I truly liked Harry because I could think it without mentally slapping myself.

"I really am sorry." He whispered. His voice was quiet and numb, fragile almost. I think he was crying. Just a soft mini cry though.

"Harry you've already apologized-"

"I know but that was because you had to take care of all my cuts." He backed away from me just by an inch. "Now I'm apologizing for everything. The teasing, how I stopped the late night visits, the yelling, I'm sorry I hurt your wrists the other day. I'm sorry about your parents but not Adam because I tried to warn you not to get with him and so did the guys and Eea. I'm sorry for what Adam did to you. I really am sorry."

I didn't know what to do at that point. Hugging was out of the picture. It didn't feel like the right time to kiss him. I just stared at his feet and bit my lip.

"I'll see you later Talia." He said quietly. Harry opened the door, walked out and closed the door.

I should have kissed him.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now