Chapter 13

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I walked into school a little more confident but nervous at the same time. Yes, I kissed Talia again but then she hugged me, that's gotta count for something.

I found Liam in homeroom and went up to him.

"I need help." He looked at me funny then smirked.

"What did you do?" He chuckled.

"I kissed Talia again." Something about my shoes became extremely interesting. "But then she hugged me."

"That's good. What else?" I think Liam just wanted to know so he could tease me rather then help.

"Um, well Saturday I went over and we watched movies and ate Burger King. Then I ended up accidentally spending the night. Then Sunday morning I got up and we talked then I kissed her then we hugged. I apologized for everything and I left."

"Harry?" Liam smirked.

"What?" I was kind of afraid of his answer.

"Just ask her out already. Chances are she's gonna say yes. Me and the boys can help." He breathed out, impatient.

"If I do ask her I don't want you guys around it. You'll screw it up. And what if she says no?" I knew Louis would think up a plan and they would all embarrass me.

"We won't help but you have to ask her or I will." The teacher walked in so we all took our seats.

I didn't really pay attention to what she was saying, more about how I would ask Talia.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now