Chapter 22

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"Harry, why isn't anyone here?" I stepped out of the car, grabbing my stuff.

"I uh, I have no idea." He shrugged, taking the basket and his towel.

We walked down the little stairs to the sand, my feet automatically sinking in.

The town had turned the lights on as they usually do but there was another light coming from down the beach.

"What's that?" I asked Harry although I'm not sure he actually knew. I wouldn't be surprised if this was all him but I don't understand how.

"No idea." He stated. "Lets go look."

I followed him over to the light, curiosity stinging inside me. Once we got closer it turned out to be some candles burning, a blanket beside them.


"Happy first date." He smiled, sitting on the blanket and patting the spot next to him.

"How'd you-"

"Nialls brother is friends with the guy who takes care of the beach. He pulled a few strings and it's only open to Styles and company tonight." He smiled, proud of himself.

"Well thank you. Definitely better then something Adam or Brad could have done."

"I know." He shrugged, opening the basket and taking out the food.

We ate for a few minutes until Harry remembered what was under my tank and shorts and got eager.

"Let's go in the water." He stood up and took off his shirt, revealing his tattoos (and abs may I add)

"Uh, I think I'll stay up here. You can go in." I teased him, laying down.

"I really think you should come in." He nodded his head a few times for emphasis.

"Ehh." I shrugged again. "Alright." I stood up and walked towards the water.

"Coming?" Harry hadn't moved from his spot but his eyes had followed me.

"Aren't you gonna take off- well I mean... you can't go in the water i-in that." He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure I can." I turned towards the water again.

"Wait!" Harry ran up to me and grabbed my arm. "You can but you don't want to."

"I don't?" I crossed my arms.

"Uh... no?" Harry kept glancing down at my body as if he could take off my tank and shorts with his eyes.

"Are you sure I don't?" I tilted my head, messing with him.

"Definitely sure." He nodded once, frantic.

"I guess I could take it off." I went back to the blanket and took off my shorts and shirt, feeling Harry's eyes on me the whole time.

"Your such a perv." I laughed, walking back over.

His eyes scanned over me quickly then flicked back to my face. "Can't help it babe." He shrugged. "I like staring at beautiful girls in bikinis."

"I like staring at hot boys who are shirtless." I kept my gaze locked on his.

"How come you aren't then?" He said, referring to himself.

"I said 'hot' boys. Not you." I let a little chuckled escape my lips.

"Your so mean to me." He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Do you like mean girls Harry?" I tried to turn my head to look at him but I failed. He picked me up and started walking towards the water.

"Harry?" I shrieked.

"I love them." He threw me in the water, laughing. Harry ran into the water and hugged me again. He pressed his forehead to mine, my hands wrapping around his neck. "I love you Mrs. Styles."

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now