Chapter 21

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"Also, bathing suits are required." Harry smirked then walked away.

I knew why the date was at the beach, he wanted to see me in the bathing suit from the party last year.

Every year the snobby brat that lives a few house down from Harry and I has a pool party. The pool is probably the size of the house, which is also huge. I'm not sure what her name is but she invites everyone. Last year I had this new bikini that I loved. Apparently Harry did too. He was always looking at me, at the time I thought he had become a pervert. Now I know it's because he liked me so of course he's going to like seeing me in a bikini.

"So you and Harry huh?" Eea wiggled her eyebrows.

"So what. You and Louis are together." I shrugged it off even though I was really excited.

"We aren't talking about Louis and I right now." Eea said, although she had a huge grin on her face. "So you like him now?"

I had told Eea everything this morning in class so she already knew what was going on. "So what if I do?"

"Well it's funny, last week you hated him." She laughed, taking a carrot. "He's so cute though like, with the way he asks you things."

"Yeah..." I ate another carrot. Eea was right. Harry had a unique way of asking me things but it works so I won't be the one to fight him about it.

The bell rang and we all left for our classes, pushing and shoving down the hall.

Harry walked in, stood in front of my desk, took my pencil, scribbled in the corner of my note book, left and sat down.

"Thanks!" I yelled back to him, without turning my head.

"No problem babe." Was I happy that he didn't scribble on my actual notes this time? Extremely.

The rest of the class dragged on and on and on. The bell rang and I nearly ran out, excited to leave.

My other classes flew by much quicker then the last, and soon the bell rang, dismissing us from school.

I got to my locker and smiled at the little note attached to it.

Mrs. Styles~

I would drive you home but I have to prepare the picnic basket full of treats for our date.

~Mr. Styles

"Dork." I muttered, shoving my books in my bag and walking out of the school.


When I got home I dropped my stuff and ran upstairs, searching for my bathing suit.

It was black so of course I'll be able to find it in my dark closet. (it's the one in the picture but black)

After a few minutes of searching, I found it shoved in a drawer by my shoes.

I quickly changed into it, making sure it still fits, it did, then I took out shorts and a tank and put those on as well. I set my phone, sun glasses, and towel by the door so I wouldn't forget them when we left.

The clock said it was only 3:30 so I still had two and a half hours left.

I ate some cookies and then I ate some chips. I figured I should stop considering I was going to be at a picnic.


"Hi." Harry smiled.

"Hi Harry." I picked up the pile I had made earlier then slid on my flip flops.

"Ready?" Harry took my towel out of my hands.

"Um..." I looked around the house. "yeah."

"Good." I followed Harry to the car, growing excited.

"So, we ran out of cookie dough halfway through the process and I don't know how to make them home made so the cookies are really small." He glanced at me, pulling onto the road.

"That's fine." I chuckled. Harry was actually prepared for this.

"And I was gonna get you flowers so I was thinking like a rose or something but then I remembered you like a certain color rose but I couldn't remember which so I just didn't get any." He shrugged, we were already halfway to the beach, it was only a five minute walk so a drive was only two.

"That's fine Harry." I smiled, watching out the window.

We pulled up to the beach but it was completely empty.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now