Chapter 20

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"We should do something tonight." Zayn suggested at lunch. We were all sitting around bored out of our minds. There was nothing to talk about... yet.

"Can't." I ate a piece of my sandwich. "I have a date." I lifted my chin high and smirked.

All the boys mouths were open. "Talia?" Liam asked, a smile growing on his face.

"Yep." My smirk broke into a smile and the other boys cheered, earning some looks.

"Where are you going?" Zayn asked, continuing his lunch.


"No. How'd you ask her?" Niall interrupted me. He had completely forgotten about his food.

"Well I went to her house last night like you told me to and she told me she didn't like Brad then we- well I decided we were gonna redo some of her old pictures so we went to a petting zoo. She thought those were the only pictures but we redid one from when I still went over on Wednesdays. I kissed her and got a few more photos and-"

"You kissed her?" Niall was acting like it was the dumbest thing in the world, but it worked so...

"Yeah I-"

"Good job anyway. Carry on with your story." Liam glared at Niall.

"Well later that night I went back to the treehouse with some sweets and stuff. I told her we should go on a double date with you and Eea," I nodded my head towards Louis. "and pull a prank on you. She's like 'oh is that your way of asking me out' and I said no I'm just thinking prank wise. Then I realized that this was my chance, no interruptions, so I said but if you want to go on a date that works to. Then I didn't leave till midnight."

"That's it? You just 'didn't leave till midnight'?" Louis seemed more disappointed about the way I told my story then the fact I was planning on pranking him and Eea.

"It's my story! I can tell it how I want to." I shrugged. Its not like we did anything wrong, I just wanted some part of our relationship, whatever it was, to be private.

"Alright well in gonna go get rid of my trash. Zayn?" Zayn left with Liam.

"Wanna go?" Niall looked at Louis and I.

"Yeah." Louis stood up, me tagging along.

In order to get to the trash bins you had to walk past Talia's table. I know Louis will stop and talk to Eea, he always does. I don't understand why he doesn't just invite her over to our table. He says they aren't 'official' yet so she just eats with her friends. I thinks he's just scared to ask her to be his girlfriend.

I took a right, following Louis over to their table. A few girls I didn't know started to panic but I ignored them and went to Talia.

"Hey babe." I leaned down and whispered, making her jump a little.

"Harry, you scared me!" She hit my chest, but smiled anyway.

"So about that date?" I got closer again.

"Yeah, um, when are we going and where?" She chuckled a little.

"I was thinking tonight and we can go to the beach and I can make one of my picnic baskets again."

"Good. I like those picnic baskets." She agreed.

"I'll pick you up at... six?"

"Okay." She smiled, eating one of her carrots and dip.

I kissed her on the cheek then went to throw away my trash.

When I came back I went over to her again. "Also, bathing suit is required." I smirked then walked back to my table.

I knew very well that Talia has a bikini and I knew very well that she would most definitely wear the one from last years pool party. If that's the case, which I know it will be, this date should be interesting.

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