Chapter 7

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I walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room. Harry was leaning back with his leg crossed over the other like boys do. He had turned on the t.v and was watching some football game. (for me it's soccer but idk that's what that whole side of the world calls it)

I sat down next to him and tried to understand what was happening in the game.

Harry scooted closer to me so that our legs and shoulders were touching. I felt his eyes burn into my cheek as I tried to focus on the game.



"Look at me."

I turned my head to find Harry's face only a inch away. He had turned his body to face me. I couldn't move, I was frozen. His eyes flickered from my left eye to my right and once to my lips. I was afraid of what he was thinking.

Harry leaned in and I felt myself doing the same. I began to panic but I didn't stop. His lips hit mine and his hand went up to my cheek. I let my hands wrap around his neck as I turned my body to face him.

The door was pushed open, giving Harry and I an excuse to pull away. He kept his gaze away from me, nervous. He also seemed... satisfied?

"I'm back!" Anne yelled, coming into the house with a carton of milk.

"Hey." Harry breathed out, standing up. I stayed put on the couch, still surprised by what he did, by what I did.

"Harry, get the steak and the cookies out of the oven and help me set the table." She told him, putting the milk in the fridge.

Harry went into the kitchen and I heard the oven open. Pans clanked together as I stood up, walking into the kitchen. Harry was trying to find a place for the pan of cookies. He moved the glasses over, almost pushing them off the counter.

"Talia hun, I know your the guest but do you mind pouring milk?" Anne looked at me hopefully.

"Sure." I smiled, grabbing the glasses Harry almost broke.

I took out the milk and poured some in three of the glasses. I made sure to leave one a little less full then the rest, remembering how much Harry hated milk. (just a thing to add to the story, don't freak)

I put the glasses on the table. One on one side and two on the other. I figured Harry would rather sit next to his mom.

Harry came over to the table, looked at the milk, then at me. I thought I saw a smile but I'm not sure. The second he sat down Anne grabbed his arm and stood him up.

"Your sitting next to Talia." She told him, sternly. Harry rolled his eyes but grabbed his glass none the less and sat down next to me.

We all served ourselves and started to eat.

"So what classes do you two have with each other?" Anne asked.

"Science, Study Hall, and lunch." Harry listed them off. I'm surprised he actually knew them.

"Ooo! Are you two lab partners?" She got excited.

"No mum." Harry said almost immediately. "We haven't got our lab partners yet. We all have our own desk."

"Oh." She took a bite of her mashed potatoes. I never liked those. They always just looked funny to me and I couldn't bring myself to actually eat some.

"Well, good luck if he ends up being your partner Talia. He's a pain." Anne rolled her eyes over exaggerating it while she teased Harry.

"Mum!" Harry screeched, his cheeks were full of food "I am not!"

"Oh yes you are! I cant help him do anything without 'getting in his way'" She told the last part to me.

"Well stay out of my way." Harry shrugged, eating his food.

I smiled. This was 'around his friends Harry.' This was the Harry I liked most.

We finished our meals and I thanked Anne for the food. I pulled on my jacket and shoes by the door. Anne had said goodbye already because she had to use the bathroom.

Harry stood in the kitchen door watching me intently. He leaned on the doorway and crossed his arms, his eyes never leaving me.

We hadn't talked directly to each other since before the kiss and I wasn't planning on starting a conversation.

"Um, sorry about... you know, that." Harry mumbled, referring to what had happened earlier. Although his head was down I saw a smirk grow across his lips. His head was lifted and his eyes found mine even though he was six feet away.

"I know you liked it though."

"What! I did not." I didn't know if I was trying to convince him or myself.

"Yes you did. Everyone loves a Harry Styles kiss. Even you." His smirk graduated into a smile.

"No, Harry. I did not like that and I'm very mad that you did that." I stood my ground.

"Your such a liar." He chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Why did your little arms wrap around my neck?"

He caught me. "Why did you put your hand on my cheek?" I fired back, avoiding his question.

"I never said I couldn't resist a Talia Curt kiss." He smirked, shrugging.

"Ugh." I rolled my eyes and opened the door, stepping outside.

"Bye babe!" Harry yelled before I closed the door.

This was perverted flirt Harry.

I can't say I didn't enjoy the kiss. That would be a lie. I didn't want to enjoy the kiss. It was with Harry. Gross.

I got home and changed into my pjs. When I got in bed, I took out my phone to finish my conversation with Riley only to find it had already been ended, but not by me.

"Harry." I moaned. Why did he have to be such a pain in the ass?

Talia: I'm so sorry. I'm at Harry's house cause his mom invited me to dinner. when I went to the bathroom he sent you all that.

I pressed send and put my phone down, falling into a deep sleep.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now