Chapter 19

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There was knock from the little door and I nearly had a heart attack. Who knows what it is. I slowly went over to the telescope Harry had installed so we could see who was at the door.

"Come in." I let out a sigh of relief.

The door was pushed open and up came Harry.

"Did you forget it's Wednesday?" He chuckled, standing up.

"No. You just haven't come in, oh, four or five years." I waved him off.

"Well I'm here now right?" He pulled up a basket.

"Harry what's that?" I laughed, curious.

"Hungry?" He opened the basket. It was filled with chocolate and cookies and other junk food.

I smiled at him as he sat down in his green bean bag, me sitting in mine.

"It's just as uncomfortable as it was four years ago." He took out the cookies.

"Can you send me those pictures?" I ignored his complaint and took a cookie.

"Oh yeah..." he took out his phone. "I went to the store so we'll get the actual pictures at some point tomorrow."

My phone beeped beside me so I opened it up. The first few were just me and the animals. The others were more of what I was looking for.

One of the four was the one we were redoing. The next was when he put his forehead on mine, our hands together by our sides. After that was our kiss, my hands on his cheeks, his gripping my shirt and pulling me closer. The last was us after the kiss.

"Cute Harry." I smiled, saving them all.

"It's cause I'm in them." He smirked, taking a bite of his cookie.

"I don't think so." I shook my head.

"Yeah I'm pretty cute." Harry grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him, eating the cookie I had chosen.


"What?" I chuckled.

"So Lou and Eea are dating right? Well maybe we should go on a date and pull a prank on them." he shrugged digging through the basket.

"Is this your way of asking me on a date?" I laughed at him. I surprised myself, but if he actually was, I would say yes.

"What?" He looked up. "Oh... no I was just thinking we could prank them." He looked back down and continued searching.

I will admit I was a bit disappointed.

His head shot back up, his eyes wide. "But if you wanna go on a real date that works too."

My smile grew but I ate my cookie trying to hold in a squeal.

"I would love to go on a date with you Mrs. Curt." Harry stood up and held out his hand.

I took it and stood up, "Thank you Mr. Styles but it's 'Ms' Mrs is for married women."

"Well we have to get married at some point. Might as well call you Mrs now." Harry shrugged, smirking.

"Your a dork." I hit him on the arm then went over to look at the old barbies, really only giving myself something to do.

For the rest of the night Harry flirted and kissed my cheek. He didn't leave until sometime around midnight. My bed was much more comfortable and warm then the bean bags.

Not only was I going on a date with him, but I had gotten to see 'with his friends' Harry.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now