Chapter 6

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After Harry sat next to me I didn't bother to stop texting Riley. We were in a deep conversation about the cute boys in Australia. She told me about this one boy named Ashton, who was in a band with three others. She told me how Ashton was absolutely adorable.

Riley had moved in the sixth grade so she didn't get to see how hot all the boys had gotten. She asked me if I thought any were cute. I wanted to avoid that conversation as much as possible, although I knew I would have to tell her at some point.

I told both Riley and Harry that I had to go to the bathroom. Standing up, I made my way to where I thought the bathroom was. I found it and quickly did my business.

Yes, I washed my hands, but I stood in front of the mirror for a minute. I didn't fix my hair or my shirt, I just stared.

I was at Harry Styles house, about to eat dinner with him and his mom because my ex-boyfriend tried to push me to do something I didn't want to do. I continued to stare at the mirror, thinking about what Riley had asked.

'Anyone cute?'

And I remembered the first person that popped into my head. The last thing I wanted to do was pair his name up with the word 'cute'.

It scared me, mostly. I could see where I was coming from, he was attractive, but I just can't. Yes, he's been nice before. But he's hurt me too much.

I stood there, debating with myself, if I should tell Riley that Harry Styles had become quite attractive, he was the first person I thought of.

Why I Hate Harry Styles // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now