Do You Guys Still Like This?

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Heya. It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry that it has. I have been dealing with a lot this past few years.

But with all of the work put on me, the death of my mom, I will have to be honest and say I completely forgot all about this story. I apologize for that.

But it seems like some people are still finding this old gem, and liking it.

So- the question I have is this.

Should I completely re-write this story? Continue it as it is? Or just let you guys enjoy what is here?

If I do rewrite it, there will still be long pauses in production because I will be in college! Crazy right?

If I continue it, the production will still be slow, but the story will finish up faster rather than starting all over.

If I don't, then I may disappoint some people, and you'll get to enjoy what's still here.

It's all up to you guys!

Let me know what you guys want me to do in the comments below.

And I hope you'll all forgive me for being gone this long.

Thank You For Being Here,

- Night Spirit

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