Chapter 12: HotLand

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(Ok! So, I've asked a Friend about the character Bianca, and I'll try to make her more child-like. Also, this chapter may or may not be a little short so sorry about that. Anyways, ON TO DEH STORY!!)

Moments of awkward silence passed since Mettaton made his dramatic entrance. Bianca was scared out of her wits, it was all too much for her, the flashing lights and booming music. And apparent death threats from a flashing box with wheels. Her heart was racing, she could physically feel her heart throbbing against her chest.

" about that-" Alphys started to say, but was interrupted by Bianca clinging to her. She could feel the toddler trembling in fear.

"He's scary...." she tried to say more but all that came out of her mouth were sobs and wails. She has never experienced anything like that before. Nor did she want to ever again. Normally she would love to see such color and light on the TV screen....but she didn't want to be the one ON TV experiencing it. Without warning was also the reason why she didn't like it. If they gave her a heads up than maybe she wouldn't have been as scared of it.

However she was only 3 years old. Things like that would scare her easily.

"Th-that was the last question...he wasn't s-supposed to ask that one...."

Bianca stopped clinging to Alphys and started to walk (wobble) away. She wanted to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Wait, wait!" However, Alphys stopped her.

"Let me give you my ph-phone number!" She grabbed Bianca's phone with her clawed hand.

"Th-then....m-maybe...if you need help....I could..." she started to trail off. She stared at my phone in awe and shock.

"Wh....where'd you get that phone!? It's ANCIENT! It doesn't even have texting. W-wait a second please!" She hurriedly took Bianca's phone and rushed off.

"Here! I upgraded it for you! It can do texting, items, it's got a key chain....I even signed you up for the underground's No. 1 social network! Now we're officially friends! Ehehehe! Heheh...heh..." Alphys went silent for a moment.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she said suddenly and scurried off to the bathroom. Bianca stood there for a good few seconds and decided to look around, first she went to the fridge. There were cups of instant noddles and soda. She took a cup of instant noodles. And she then exited the lab and into the hot air of Hotland.

Where she got an update status from Alphys. She looked it it....but she didn't know how to read so it didn't quite matter to her about whatever it was about. So she carried on. Only to walk about 3 feet and get another update status.

"Hm? What is she twying to say???? I can't understands!!! The things on the thingy don't have sense!!" None the less, she pressed on. For only after less than 10 seconds later she gets


"What awe you twying to say to me woman?!" After she raged at the phone she then continued on. She got onto a path and then....she got attacked by a monster. Yaaaaaaay. Vulkin strolled in.



*You give Vulkin a hug.

*It warms your heart....

*And you're whole body!


*Your DEFENSE dropped!

Well.....that can't be good. Bianca wiggled and twirled around to try to cool down....she didn't cool down, not even a little bit.

"!!!" Exclaimed Vulkin, hearts in their eyes. Their attack was a smiling cloud that was throwing waves of lightning bolts.

"AH! Scawy squiggles!" A terrified Bianca yelped. She got out her frying pan (that she forgot about in her inventory) and did her best to block the bolts.

*Vulkin's cheeks glow with a bright heat




*You got 0EXP and 40 gold

"Ooooh more shiny things!" Bianca was still marveled at the gold coins, given point she had no idea what they were or what they're worth, she just liked how shiny they were. So she continued on the "flat escalator" and onto a set of bulky tan pipes. Then finally on solid ground again....WHERE SHE GOT ANOTHER UPDATE FROM ALPHYS!

* gonna call them in a minute =^ . ^=


She screamed at her screen, and put the phone back into her pocket along with the gold she had just earned. The little girl then came across more flat escalators, a lot of them, so she just took a random one and was on her way. Only after a few short seconds of being on there, she was on ground and in front of the stable tan and bulky pipes. It led her to another rocky path and to a save point, it was so pretty to her, so bright and shiny.

*(The whooshing sound of steam and fills you with kindness.)

She felt so calm, at peace. The noise of her surroundings weren't as demandingly loud as she first thought-

*Alphys update status!



"And I hates it when you keep making my phone go off! How's dat?!"

Aaaand the feeling's gone. So was her time alone, when Tsunderplane arrived.


She was about ready to pass out. So many monsters, so many puzzles, SO MANY HOT DOGS! And hot cats. She made it to a dark area, she didn't like the dark, Bianca was trembling with anxious fear of what was gonna jump out at her from the dark. Her heart pounding against her chest, her eyes trying so hard to adjust to the darkness surrounding her.


She jumped at the sudden ringing. She dug into her pocket and answered her phone.

"H-Hey, it'a kind of dark in there, isn't it? Don't worry! I'll hack into the light system and brighten it up!"

Bianca was enthused to hear this, for she was so ready to be able to see and not be in the dark for another second! Then soon enough the lights were on, and she found herself in what she guessed was a kitchen.

"Oh no." Deadpanned Alphys, as the sudden realization of where Bianca was came upon her.

"OOOOOHH YESSS!!" Exclaimed the robot Mettaton, wearing a Chefs hat and microphone in hand.

"Oooooooooh god." Bianca tenses up, not liking what the robot had in mind for her THIS time.

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