Chapter 13: Cooking with a Killer Robot, What Could Go Wrong?

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Hey everybody! Guess who's finally managed to scramble back together a hopeful smidgen of motivation. It's Me!

I know it has been quite a while since I've posted, but- since this story has been given a lot of attention lately, I thought I should give you guys a gift, the gift of an update!


"Welcome, Beauties, to the Underground's premier cooking show!!"

Exclaimed Mettaton, introducing his new show, Cooking with a Killer Robot. Of course, Bianca could not see the effect of the title screen showing up, so she had no idea what to expect. Her eyes stung from the sudden bright lights, and the rest of her senses were quickly becoming overwhelmed by the unfamiliar surroundings and sounds.

Bianca usually loved being the center of attention on any sort of stage, but that was when she was when she knew she was safe, that nothing would hurt her and that her parents were in the audience, cheering her on and supporting her, along with her two other sisters if they were on the stage with her as well. Now, she wanted nothing more than to just run off of the Kichen Stage Set, and go back to the fluffy cow lady. No wait, wasn't she a goat?

"Pre-heat your ovens, because we've got a VERY special recipe for you today!!"

Her thoughts are interrupted by the robot, and she was reluctantly dragged back into reality.

"We are going to be making . . . A CAKE! My lovely assistant here, will gather the ingredients. Everyone! Give them a big hand!!"

Mettaton started to clap, before he finally decided to turn just enough so that he could see how Bianca was reacting to everything, he was struct with a problem. The problem was, Bianca was too short, and the counter completely hid her from the camera's and the audience's view! So, with some quick thinking he discreetly (and surprisingly gently) nudged at Bianca to stand up taller.

With a quiet sniffle, and with tears welling up in her eyes threatening to fall, she got the message and did her best to stand up as tall as she could make herself, not wanting to be punished or hurt by the Scary-Metal-Box-Man for disobeying. Bianca also didn't want to face his anger, or risk him yelling at her, then she really wouldn't be able to stop herself from crying, and just make everything worse. So, now standing on the very tips of her toes; the camera and the audience could now just see her head, as well as her arms on the counter that she was using to help keep her up on her toes. There was a brief "Aww!" from the audience, as the scene before them was quite cute.

Mettaton resumed his clapping, and multicolored confetti fell from the ceiling, falling more-so on Bianca than Mettaton. As she saw the confetti falling down from the sky, shining like glitter from the reflection of the lights, she briefly forgot that she was in a dangerous situation with a dangerous killer robot. For a fleeting moment, there was just her, the sound of praising applause, and what seemed to her to be colorful-magical shapes falling down from the dark void above, all just for her. Looking up at the confetti hurt her eyes, as she was also basically staring directly into several spotlights on the ceiling, so some tears did escape her, but it wasn't out of fear or sadness. It was out of awe and joy.

"We'll need SUGAR, MILK, and EGGS-"

The awe and joy was quickly ruined by Mettaton beginning to list off the ingredients that she assumed he was going to make her retrieve. She barely even knew how to read, how would she know what was what!? She was a child! Why did she have to get the ingredients for this guy? It was his show, why was she going to be the one doing all of this work? Her terror and dread quickly changed into confusion and frustration. Thus, a frustrated pouting expression formed on her face, which just got another "Aww!" out of the audience.

"Go for it, Sweetheart!"

The robot encouraged, taking a mental note that his audience liked watching the small human struggle. And she was definitely struggling, as Bianca just stayed in place. Her legs starting to wobble with the constant strain on her weak muscles. She did finally let herself relax as she let her arms slide off of the counter, and had her heels thump back onto the ground. And she stood there for more than a few seconds, but to her, it seemed like hours were going by.

Bianca shuffled out from behind the counter, the fear hitting back into her like boulder to the stomach as she saw the numerous amounts of faces in the audience, granted a majority of them were blurred out by the blinding lights, but still, it was daunting. She felt her breath quicken again, her body tensing up as she tried to curl more into herself without falling onto the floor. Her arms and hands pushing into her chest, her shoulders slumping forward, the show's happy jingling tune did nothing for her as it just made her feel worse; it was all just starting to make her ears ring. She hated that sound!

She looked to Mettaton, her mouth only speaking out in short and quick whines, but to most it would still sound heart wrenching, and while some may find her suffering hilarious, right now it could coast Mettaton his ratings! Crying children could be funny in small doses, but he doubted anyone would want to see a child cry on and on for more than three minutes, that was just sad and boring!

"MILK, SUGAR, and EGGS! You should be able to find them on the back counter! You're a capable human now, aren't you? I'm sure you're more than capable of going to the back counter and getting the ingredients."

He gestured to the back counter, hoping that this would make the human get a move on and he could continue his segment, he was a busy robot, he had things to do, humans to possibly kill and harm, he was very busy indeed. Bianca turned around, and walked to the back counter. So that's what sugar looked like. Bianca had seen sugar, but not when it's in a bag. It was quite heavy, so as soon as she managed to drag the sugar bag off of the counter, it plummeted to the ground, taking her with it. Earning a brief laugh from the audience. With a huff and a puff she dragged the bag along the floor, and when that caused too much strain on her muscles (or lack there of) she walked around the bag and just started to push it instead.

Mettaton decided that Bianca was taking too long, and reached over to the bag of sugar and tossed it into his counter, and did the same with the rest of the ingredients. With a wobble in her step, she walked back over to the counter, and went on her tip toes again so that she would be visible to the audience and camera again.

"Perfect! Great job, beautiful! We've got all the ingredients we need to bake the cake!"

Mettaton praised, and it made Bianca's heart swell with joy and pride. She had been helpful! She did a great job! And being called beautiful by a murderous robot would've made anyone else feel unsafe or uneasy, but to Bianca, a compliment was a compliment.

"MILK . . . SUGAR . . . EGGS . . . Oh my, wait a magnificent moment!! How could I forget?"

Bianca looked at Mettaton with a blank face of confusion, did something happen? What was missing?

"We're missing the most important ingredient!"

Bianca got herself ready to go fetch another ingredient, hopefully this would would be less heavy and easier to find. The music came to a sudden stop. All of Bianca's attention zeroed in on Mettaton, and that was not something easily done by someone of her age. Slowly; almost comically so, Mettaton raises a chainsaw into view.


The chainsaw revved, and Bianca started crying.


So! Was it worth the wait? Thank you all of guys for the positive feedback and reinforcement, it really helped me get the creative juices flowing and motivation up high! A lot has happed since the last chapter update. The pandemic, my mom getting cancer and dying, graduating high school and going to college! But, I am genuinely happy to be able to provide a story for you guys that you seem to be genuinely enjoying. As long as you guys are happy and enjoying this story, then this story shall continue on and get updates!

Not consistent ones- I wish, but sadly life wishes to make me busy and sad whenever it gets the chance- but I will try and update it whenever I can!

Hoping that I made you all happy,
Night Spirit

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