Spears of Justice

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A/N: Wow! 70 views, already?!Man, either you guys really like this or you're making fun of it behind my back...ah well. At least you stuck around this long! I'd be telling a "fibula" if I said that I wasn't being lazy and didn't have writers block. So here's the chapter that you've (probably) all been waiting for!

Sans saw the whole Fight, he was happy that Bianca didn't choose the FIGHT option, but was now worried sick. He heard that Papyrus called over Undyne. This was bad, really really bad! Undyne won't fall for that "she's not a human, she's a child" trick. What could he do? Papyrus had picked Bianca up and carried her into the house. As soon as the door closed Bianca was bombarding Papyrus with questions about Undyne.
He tried to answer them to the best of his knowledge. After Papyrus sat himself and Bianca on the couch it had been a whole 10 of 20 minutes of Q and A (questions and answers). Papyrus suggested that they should watch TV, Bianca nodded in agreement. He grasped the remote and turned the TV on.

"Ooh! MTT is on!" He said excitedly.

"What's that?" Papyrus went into a monologue of what MTT was and who Mettaton was. Bianca was intrigued with this "Mettaton" character, though once she saw what Mettaton looked like...to be honest she expected him to look like....not an egotistical, giant, color flashing calculator with gloves and a single wheel to get around. Bianca didn't tell Papyrus about her true thoughts, afraid of hurting his feelings. So she just kept it to herself, "if you have something mean to say, don't say it at all", right?
Then....there was a loud knock at the door. Who could be coming over? Sans was either in his room or at his station slacking off...or it could be...oh no.

"Papy...we forgot Und...Un...whatever her names was, didn't we?" Papyrus paled, if that was even possible.

"Papyrus?! I hear another voice in there! Who are you talking to?" She demanded to know, she continued to knock loudly and non-stop.

"OH NO! QUICKLY CHILD, HIDE!" Bianca didn't hesitate. Papyrus tried to distract Undyne while Bianca tried to find a hiding spot. She tried to use her small size to her advantage. There was a gap under the table....IDEA! Bianca ran over to the table and grasped the bottom edge of the table that was hidden and hosted the rest of her body up. She was now under the table, hidden from any eyes...unless they looked under the table...too late to change it now.

"Enough already Papyrus! Where is the child-like human that you mentioned?!" Undyne asked, looking around the house.


Papyrus stammered, Undyne wasn't that convinced so she just kept looking. Meanwhile Bianca's arms and legs were getting tired and her body wasn't used to this kind of stain and muscle use. She tried not to make a sound...or move a muscle if she could help it...she was even too afraid that if she drew breath, it would alert Undyne of her presents.
Sans was sleeping away in his room, completely oblivious to the critical situation going on downstairs below him. A part of him screamed to get up, but it was no use. Sans' body didn't move and he didn't wake up. Bianca's hands were turning red from her tight grip, as was her face from lack of the proper amount of air she needed. She was only taking in minimal breaths at a time, afraid to make any noise.
Papyrus quickly checked on Bianca while Undyne had her back turned, he could see that she wasn't gonna hold on much longer. He did a quite yelp in distress, not knowing what to do. Undyne then walked over, getting to close for comfort at the table that Bianca was using for her hiding place.

"UNDYNE! WAIT!!" He screamed at her....then immediately regretted it.

"It's here, isn't it? Other wise you wouldn't have yelled at me like that..." She lifted the table with her free hand that didn't have the spear in it, she had done it...she found Bianca. "There you are human." Undyne seethed. Bianca screamed as Undyne punctured her spear through the table. Bianca was quick enough to let go and not get turned into a human shish-kebab.

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