The Choice (FIGHT)

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A thought suddenly came to her mind, and she wanted to puke when she realized that she didn't have a choice. The thought was the only option in this scenario was to FIGHT.

*You equipped the stick
*You are filled with.. DREAD

Bianca charged at Sans with a reluctant look in her eyes.


"what? did you think I was just gonna stand there?" Sans asked shrugging. Bianca's eyes widened, Sans could dodge? Fairly fast if she did say so herself. Sans summoned some bones and they all were flung at Bianca, she gasped and dodged them to the best of her ability. She took some damage.

HP 16/20

That wasn't good, she got a long cut on her cheek that went from the bottom of her right ear to a couple of centimeters from the corner of her mouth. She yelped in shock and pain, this was going to be harder than she thought.

"Bianca! I have an idea, but you have to trust and listen to me!" Gaster exclaimed with great urgency in his voice. Bianca nodded, to busy dodging to focus on speaking. "I will lend you my magic, that means that you'll be able to access it anytime during a battle. Some...things might start to happen over time but I'll explain it once it happens." Bianca suddenly felt a a tingling sensation coursing through out her body, it sent shivers down her spine. Bianca looked at her hands, as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. Bianca clenched her fists, a looked of DETERMINATION, written across her face.
Sans used his BLUE attack and Bianca's green SOUL well...turned blue! Sans raised his arm up high and Bianca was going to slam into the ceiling, but then she just thought about NOT hitting it, and she found herself back on the ground.

"Huh?" Bianca was now confused...what had she just done?

"You teleported, but don't do that again. You have no idea how to do it properly, I just helped a bit with the teleporting, but now I mustn't if I want to save my energy." Gaster explained, Bianca tried her best to understand what he was saying, so she just shrugged it off and continued the battle. She backed up a bit and then jumped onto the couch, which after she did that she jumped off of the couch and onto the table, trying to hit Sans in mid-air.


"What?!" Bianca was shocked, how could she have missed?! Sans was just too fast and too good at dodging. Sans was monologging about something, and she only started tuning in when he was in the middle of it.

"...all of the time loops, that's your fault isn't?" Time loops? What in the name of the Underground was he ranting on about? "you'll never understand how this feels...knowing that one day. all of this is just gonna RESET."

'RESET? Can somebody PLEASE make Sans say something that makes SENSE!!' Bianca screamed in her mind. Then she screamed out loud when she saw the Gaster Blasters again. It fired, and Bianca was thinking about something blocking it...her vision came true.

"Yes! That's it! Concentrate harder!" Gaster motivated Bianca, she opened up her eyes to see the same green shield that she used before...although she didn't remember using it so...she was flabberGASTERed! Er...flabbergasted. Bianca did her best and concentrated on the shield as much as possible, trying to make it sustainable to the Gaster Blasters strong blast. Eventually the shield broke and Bianca stumbled back from the impact of it.

HP 9/20

"Sans! Please stop! I can't hold on much longer!" Bianca alerted Sans, whom could not heed her words and stop attacking. In his mind he was back in judgement hall with Chara possessing Frisk. Bianca managed to summon Gasters hands and used the dark blue ones that shot razor like disks, and she aimed them at the bones that were zooming in towards her. The bones were destroyed, but in her moment of relief she didn't notice the bones coming in from behind.

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