Chapter 16: Love at the Expense of a Child's Near Death Experience

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Notes: What a bummer, the Royal Guards have to do their job and get a human soul, regardless if that soul is one of a child's. Didn't bother anyone else. Why should it bother them? And why does Alphys feel like she's forgetting something?

The Royal Guards initiated the battle, seemingly uncaring that they were fully prepared and willing to kill a child, but then again, she was a human child, why should they care? The heavy weight of dread made her heart drop into her stomach, her Soul trapped in that box, unable to flee. Why couldn't she just run and hide? Why was this world so determined to kill her? She barely got to live, she just wanted to go home and live!

She hovered her Soul over the ACT button, and with a shaking hand, pressed the button. Which Guard should she ACT on? Her eyes darted between Royal Guard One and Two, in a state of panic she slammed her hand down on Royal Guard Two.

* Check * Whisper
* Clean Armor

What weird options. Briefly, she wondered how she could even know what these options were, why could she understand them? She wasn't able to read before! Was it a magic thing? Bianca shook her head, she had to remain focused, she would think more about it when she actually had time to think!

* Check * Whisper

💚Clean Armor

She picked her option. It was a rather peculiar option to pick, why would she want to clean this random man's armor? This action was very unlike her, but, she found herself doing it anyway. It was like she didn't even have a choice! Only the cruel illusion of it. As she cleaned away at Royal Guard Two's armor, it's cooling dirt began to wash away.

"Like, Team Attack!" Guard One exclaimed. He was focused so intensely on the battle, that he did not notice his partners discomfort.

". . . Getting . . . Warmer." Guard Two mumbled. He couldn't let a little heat bother him! Especially not now. Not when he and his bro had the chance to kill a human, and free all of monster kind!

They shot out their team attack. Sharp projectiles shaped like a Diamond or Compass Star. The battle square became stretched, and more like a rectangle, Bianca gulped down her nerves. Her trusty green Frying Pan manifested into her hands, and prepared to once again, fight for her life. The projectiles would fly down towards her, and those were easier to block, what she didn't expect was for them to bounce back and hit her from behind.

*HP 16/20

Not good. Already down four HP. She would just have to remember about the projectiles bouncing, she couldn't risk another hit. What really caught her eye was the bouncing and floating green thing - it kind of looked like their helmets in a way. Green was good, right? She took the chance, and moved her Frying Pan out of the way, hoping that the green health thing would hit her sooner than the white projectiles. A dig would sound every time her soul wound touch it, but it wasn't healing her. Why wasn't it healing her?!

". . . Can't . . . Take it." Royal Guard 2 groaned out, ". . . Armor too . . . HOT!!!" He seemed to be in more discomfort now than he'd been in before. And in the blink of an eye, the entire torso piece and chest armor disappeared off of the Guard, ". . . Much better." Revealing his scaly skin. Bianca awed at the scales. Was he a mermaid? Where was his tail? She was disappointed that he didn't have a tail, it would've been so cool to see!

Royal Guard One looked bothered by something. Why was he bothered? Was it because he wasn't a mermaid? Bianca felt bad for the Royal Guard, bunnies were just as great as mermaids! But, if she were being honest, mermaids were cooler. Royal Guard One was sweating bullets, it was hot after all, Bianca was sweating just as much.

But, there was that feeling again. The feeling of her knowing something and doing something that she would normally not to. She ACTED on Royal Guard One, and whispered to him.

"Be honest with your feelings."

And the feeling faded. Was . . . The help from before, not fully gone? Was she still being helped somehow? Too many questions. Too many. She didn't like it. So, she would just ignore them until they were answered.

"I-I . . ." Royal Guard One stuttered, looking over at his Guard Bro, who just sighed.

The attack was different now. Instead of it being stars, it was like compressed weirdly shaped lightning bolts, Bianca didn't know how to describe it! But, she did what she did before, learned from the previous battle. She blocked them from hitting her Soul, blocking from the front and back. That is when, the battle music stopped, and Royal Guard One spoke.

"D-Dude . . . I can't. I can't take this anymore! Not like this!" The music turned sincere, a confession was being made, "Like, 02! I like . . . I like, LIKE you, bro. The way you fight . . . The way you talk . . . I love doing team attacks with you. I love standing here with you, bouncing and waving our weapons in sync . . . 02 . . . I, like, wanna stay like this forever . . ."

Silence. Complete and utter silence. That was the only response given for the first few seconds after the Bunny guard confessed his feelings.

"Uh . . . I mean uh, psyche! Gotcha, bro! Haha!"

Oh the guard was just a swearing mess. And if his helmet was off, Bianca would've been able to see that the guard was close to tears.

"01. . . " The fish Royal Guard started to say.

"Y-Yeah, bro?" The bunny guard mentally kicked himself for how shaky and weak his voice sounded. He wasn't going to cry! Not in front of 02, not in front of the human!

". . . Do you want to . . . Get some ice cream . . . After this?" The fish guard asked. Flustered as he looked at his partner, eagerly awaiting the response. And he didn't have to wait long.

"Sure, Dude! Haha!" The bunny guard looked so much more comfortable, all tension was lost in his body, his feelings were reciprocated.

They were looking at each other happily, and it warmed Bianca's heart to see. She didn't really understand what was happening, but she knew a happy smile when she saw one. She went to her MERCY button, and with a happy smile of her own, spared them. No XP, but she got 100 gold! She could barely even comprehend a number that high, but it seemed like a lot! She could say big numbers, but she's only heard them, and she knew they were big, but she just never truly knew how big.

The battle ended. And she was once again, alone. The music of Hotland surrounding her, it almost made her feel better. She was left with a bitter sweet feeling now. Bianca would take that feeling over dread and fear anytime.

ALPHYS Updated Status:
*oopswait how's the human doing?

Oh boy. Leave it to Alphys to totally forget about the human child.


Heya guys! Sorry for this little delay. There's a running theme of people that I somewhat know committing unalivement. Gonna attend a funeral tomorrow on my moms birthday, so fun ✌🏻. My mom is also aliven't, and the wake is the same place that I had my moms funeral at, so even more fun ✌🏻. So, if this chapter is short and others take a while to come out, it's just because I'm not at my mental best. But, it won't be like this forever, so don't loose hope!

See you in the next chapter,
Night Spirit

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