Chapter 9 (MERCY)

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'I...I don't want to hurt him...but I don't want to get hurt either...' Bianca thought to herself, trying to figure out what to do with Sans.

"it's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. on days like like you...s h o u l d  b e  b u r n i n g  i n  h e l l!" Sans seethed at Bianca, who was shocked to hear this what Sans really thought of her? Suddenly, with out warning, a ton of bones came flying after her, she managed to doge them...but she had a lot of close calls with the Gaster Blasters. By the end of it, her heart was almost beating out of her chest, and she was panting heavily.

"huh...i always wondered why people use their strongest attack first." Sans thought aloud, then it was Bianca's turn.





*The easiest monster in the game

...something tells her that she shouldn't believe that. It was Sans' turn next, he did a bone attack, it was really difficult but Bianca managed to not get hit...miraculously. Her turn again, she pressed ACT again, but she did another option.



*You told Sans that you don't want to fight


*But nothing happened

...seriously?! NOTHING, HAPPENED?!? Just...just...WHY?! Another hard-to-dodge bone attack, then Bianca suddenly felt very heavy...but she had felt this feeling before...didn't she? Then wherever Sans' arm went, so did your body. Up and down, left and right, in the corners...then more Gaster Blasters. HOW IS THIS HOUSE STILL STANDING!?

Bianca's POV (something new for all you Phantom readers)

Gotta help Sans! Gotta help Sans! Dodge his attacks! DODGE. HIS. ATTACKS! Now, up until this point, you think I'm a dodging master right? ...THAT COULDN'T BE ANYMORE WRONG THAN GETTING A LECTURE FROM YOUR PARENTS WHEN YOU'RE TRYING TO GO TO SLEEP! I got hit a couple of times, the author was just too lazy to write it--(HEY-HEY! No breaking the fourth wall! Only I can do that...sometimes! Bianca: Ok ok! Sheesh).

HP 12/20 HP don' look so good. I have boo-boo's everywhere, I don't like them, they make me feel sad, because they hurt. I was panting heavily, trying with each chance I got to catch my breath. Then, I heard goop mans voice in my head.

"Bianca! Sorry that I took so long. I got lost in thought and I only started to tune in at this point in the battle. Your HP is dangerously low and you don't have many (or any) ITEMS. So I'll lend you some of my magic to boost your-I mean to boost your skills." for me! I nodded to him, unable to speak as a tried to dodge another one of Sans' attacks.

HP 10/20

I got hit, AGAIN! I hate it when that happens. Hoop man did his thing and I felt tingly feeling inside me, spreading to every part of my body, not missing one bit to be forgotten. It felt...amazing! I felt...powerful! I felt like I could do anything! And I will do that to help Sans, after all...I owe him.
    I just hope that this is enough and that he doesn't want the gold...round thingies...I don't have any since the monsters tend to stay away from me...I wonder why? Is it because they know I'm only a child? ...or is it because they are always going bedy-bye like Sansy does? One day I'll find day.

Normal POV

Bianca's left eye started to glow a neon green, the white in her eye was replaced with the color black that was almost as dark as the darkening void. While the other one was just black, nothing but that. Her hair was flowing around her...but she had really short hair so there wasn't much hair flowing. She had a serious look on her face, she then turned to look at Sans, whom was visibly shaking.

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