Two Skeletons and a Human

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Bianca thought about Gasters words, she could hear the seriousness in his voice and nodded, continuing to walk towards the skeletons. The tall one was the first to notice her presents.

"OH MY GOD SANS! IS THAT A HUMAN?!" That caused Bianca to raise an eyebrow in confusion. Doesn't he know what a human looks like?

"no, that's a rock." Sans pointed out, Bianca was in front of the rock, so she looked back to see the rock. Sans was indeed correct.

"OH." The tall skeleton started to walk away, but Bianca called out to him.

"U-Um...excuse me?"

"Nyhe?" Papyrus looked back at Bianca, she gulped nervously.

"W...who are you?" Papyrus had a look of astonishment on his face. How could this...person not know his name?!

"WHY I'M THE GREAT PAPYRUS!"   He practically yelled to the heavens, Bianca flinched at his loud tone.

"P...Pa...Papiros? (Pa-Pi-Roos)" Sans snickered and Papyrus didn't looked so pleased.

"No no-um...what are you exactly?" Bianca was about to say "Human" when Sans interjected.

"she's a child." Bianca looked at him as to say "what the heck man?!" and Papyrus just smiled.

"WELL THEN, CHILD, IT IS A PLEASURE TO MEET YOU!" He walked over to Bianca, she was so small compared to him. She removed the snowflakes hanging from her eyelashes, blocking her sight and was about to shake Papyrus' hand when she noticed how...big and tall he was.

"AHHHH!" She screamed and ran away in terror. She ran past them, and not just back to Snowdin, where she could've just stayed at the Inn again...then again she wasn't thinking straight. She was barely up to Papyrus' waist, more like up to part of his boot...maybe half way. So of course she'd be terrified. The reason she wasn't with Sans was because of Goat Mom and that he saved her life.

"TINY CHILD! WAIT!" Papyrus called out, but she was already gone.

"uhhh..." Sans just...didn't know what to do. This had never happened before.

"Was...was it something I said?" Papyrus asked, surprisingly in a quiet manner.

"nah bro. it was probably because of how intimidating you look to her, i mean, did you see how small she was compared to you?" Sans explained. Papyrus thought about it, then he realized that if he was the tiny child, he'd probably be frightened too.
    Meanwhile Bianca was still running, right into a blizzard where you'd usually fight Papyrus. Gaster was frantically telling Bianca to calm down and that Papyrus was nice and wouldn't hurt her, but she was too focused on running and her fear at the thought of him fighting her, for she knew for sure that she'd die at an instant.
   In the distance, she could her Papyrus calling out the word "child" over and over again. That gave her the motivation and DETERMINATION to run all the more faster than she had been going before. Her breaths were short and heavy, she was starting to get cramps, but she payed them no mind. Running became harder and harder for her as she made her way though the swirling blizzard.
  She began to get that same cold feeling when she first exited the RUINS. Minus the maniacal flower of course. Her skin began to turn blue again and her feet, hands, and face started to grow numb. However, her DETERMINATION wouldn't let her stop running.

"CHILD! IT'S NOT SAFE IN THIS BLIZZARD! LISTEN TO THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AND COME BACK SO YOU WON'T GET LOST OR FREEZE TO DEATH!" She didn't want to listen, nor could she. The winds were glowing harshly past her ears, and sooner or later, the DETERMINATION and energy she was using for running was draining away from her body, fast.

"Bianca! Please listen to Papyrus! You won't last much longer out in this cold without proper protection!" Gaster urged Bianca, but her mind was to preoccupied with fear and exhaustion to pick it up.

"So...t-tired...why...does me?" Her voice was quiet and shaking from the cold. The wind carried her voice all the way to the skeletons non-exist ears.

"I CAN HEAR THE CHILD SANS! IT SOUNDS LIKE SHE'S OVER...THERE!" Papyrus ran as fast as his tall legs could carry him. Sans just teleported along side him. Bianca's energy was spent, as was her DETERMINATION, she then collapsed in exhaustion. The snow was quickly covering up her limp form, making her body temperature dangerously low. Papyrus found Bianca when all you could see was the back of her head and some parts of her back, arms, and legs. She looked like she took a face-plant into the snow, it would've been funny if her life wasn't in danger.

"oh god kid, why do 'ya keep gettin yourself into these types of situations?" Sans thought out loud. Papyrus scooped up her tiny, limp body and held her close to his...chest?...sternum?...either way he held her close to him.

"You were right Sans...she is really tiny." Papyrus said quietly. With one hand, he quickly took off his scarf and wrapped it around Bianca, it sort of worked, but not as well as it could've been. They quickly ran back to their house back in Snowdin. Bianca, still in her unconscious state, was having a talk with Gaster.

"You almost died in that blizzard! Why didn't you listen to me and stopped running and just tried to get to know Papyrus?!" Gaster asked, furious with Bianca and her choice of action. They just floated in The Void, Bianca was spinning around, not in control of where she's going.

"Weeeee!" She squealed, not paying attention what so ever of what Gaster was saying. Don't get me wrong, it was adorable as heck but, now wasn't the time.

"Bianca! Stop floating around and listen to me-" Gaster started to say but then, Bianca's form started to fade away.

"Ah, I see. Your mind is getting a dream ready, I'll be there to continue this conversation." Bianca faded away completely and started to dream. Back with Sans and Papyrus, things were a little bit more...eventful. Bianca's body was on the couch, suddenly...her body started to move, while she was still sleeping.

"Must /ERROR//SAVE//ERROR/ defeat...♍️h♋️r♋️." She kept mumbling. She then tripped on the table that was near the couch, causing whatever was on it, to fall of with a big crash. It didn't wake Bianca up, but two skeletons sure enough did.

"huh? wha? who?" Sans mumbled quickly under his breath. He kept hearing noises, it was coming from down stairs. He thought he heard the door open.

"oh no..." Sans jumped out of bed and ran down stairs, Papyrus was by his side, having the exact same thought.

"SANS?! WHERE'S THE CHILD?!" If they two skeletons were human, they would've visibly gone pale. When they saw their front door wide open. Oh boy howdy, here we go.

"AH!" They yelled in unison, and made a beeline for the front door. Why would she leave at this hour of the...night? Yeah, night! Did she have to continue on her adventure or somethin? Who knew. All they cared about right now was the little child's safety.

"please be ok kid, can't take any other people like you diein'." Sans said under his...breath. He care if the kid had to RESET, just as long as the kid was ok.

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