Chapter 14: Cooking with a Killer Robot, Everything went Wrong

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Last we left off, Mettaton decided to introduce Bianca to the very kid friendly kitchen utensil, the chainsaw. Nothing says cooking show like sawing up a child =)

Shrieks and wails of the little girl rattled against the studio walls, monsters in the audience covered their ears in attempts to shut out the little humans cries. It did little good, as she scrambled to get away from the ominously approaching kitchen show host. Running back to the doors from which she entered from, she pushed and pulled the door with all of her night, to no avail. She was locked in, and she couldn't make it to the other exit, she would surely be caught it sawed into bloody little bits!

The only thing she could do, was cower against the locked door, and cry. Her face turning red from how forcefully she was crying, her voice cracking and breaking from how shrill it was making itself. Nobody would save her, nobody cared enough about her to save her, perhaps even at this very moment - some monsters were probably cheering and on the edge of their seats, hoping for her death, and to be able to see it happen right there on live television for all of the Underground to see. Or at least, those that had TV's.

There was however, two monsters with one TV that were on the edge of their seats, nervous and perhaps even frightened for their little human friend. The tall skeleton man and the shorter skeleton man, both watching the screen intensely, one of them wondering if he should actually get up from his couch and use a shortcut and stop Mettaton before it was too late. But, why wasn't he? What was stopping him? Why was he hesitating? He knew why, he had seen this with Frisk. Mettaton wouldn't actually get the chance to really hurt the kid. . . Right?

RING. . . RING . . . RING . . .

Oh thank the stars.

"Hello . . . ? I'm kind of in the middle of something here."

Mettaton answered, the dramatic moment that he har built up was now ruined! And he had been dying to try this chainsaw out too.

"W-Wait a second!! Couldn't you make a . . . C-Couldn't you use a . . . Couldn't you make a substitution in the recipe?!"

It was Alphy's voice! But that didn't stop Bianca from crying. In fact, she had barely even noticed that it was Alphy's voice coming through the speakers. She just wanted to go back home, she wanted her mommy! Why wasn't she here? Why couldn't her mommy or daddy have found her yet?! Why couldn't she just be home already?!

". . . A substitution? You mean, use a different, non-human ingredient? Why?"

Inquired Mettaton, already starting to lower his chainsaw. Still keeping it in hand, just in case he would still be able to use it.

"Uuh . . . What if someone's . . . Ve-Vegan?"

Alphys nervously replied. Hoping that this would be enough to convince Mettaton, she didn't want her voice to be on the air anymore than it had to be.

". . . Vegan."

"Uh, well I mean—" Alphys started to backtrack, but she was quickly and boisterously interrupted.

"THAT'S A BRILLIANT IDEA, ALPHYS!!" Mettaton dropped the chainsaw on the ground and the happy music resumed playing, "Actually, I happen to have an option right here!! MTT-Brand Always-Convenient-Human-Soul-Flavor-Substitute! A can of which, is just over there on that counter!" The Camera panned over to the can that was indeed on a counter. It panned back over to Mettaton as he spoke again, "Well, Darling? Why don't you go get it-"

He just stopped speaking when he noticed that the little human still has not recovered from his little, "I'm going to cut you up with a chainsaw and bake you into a cake" bit. She was still crying, now all curled up and showing her back to the audience, which as a star you should NEVER do! It's rude and unprofessional to show your back to the audience, it's only done if in a dire circumstance, and a child crying is not a dire circumstance in Mettaton's opinion.

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