Chapter 11 Mettaton

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Once Bianca and Alphys were back inside the LAB, Sans ran over to them and asked Alphys if Bianca was alright. Of course she said that she was, but she new that the feeling of homesickness was eating her up inside...she hid her emotion almost unnaturally well. After Sans caught Bianca was happened after she threw herself into the water to save Monster Kid's life, she felt proud of herself and gloated about it.

To make her stop Sans tickled her and said sweet nothings and after 'bout 30 or 10 seconds of this, Bianca eventually begged for his MERCY and after that she stopped gloating, afraid that if she did it again that Sans would do it more aggressively. Bianca soon forgot about her worries and her strife (look for the, bear necessities!) and was just full of joy and energy. However, it didn't last long, soon, things began to shake and wobble and...a...a...a??? ...something came in! Bianca gasped in fright, she hadn't been expecting that.

"OHHHH YES! Welcome beauties..." A single spot like appeared, and reviled....a....a calculated with a microphone and a wheel?? And it bashed RIGHT THROUGH THE WALL! MAKING A GIANT HOLE!!

"To today's quiz show!!" Then clapping and cheering was heard, flashing lights! Bianca didn't like this, not one little bit. "Oh boy! I can already tell it's gonna be a great show!! Everyone give a hand to our wonderful contestant!" More clapping, Bianca blushed, embarrassed.

"Never played before gorgeous? No problem, it's simple! There's only one rule. Answer correctly... " The music paused...."Or you DIE!!!" Yep, definitely didn't like it.

"O-oh no" Alphys stammered. Bianca over all just didn't care.

"Now, let's start with an easy on-"

"Are you a vending machine?" Bianca asked, ruining the moment for Mettaton.

"...what?" Mettaton was really confused.

"Do you have chips? How much are they?" Mettaton shocked into silence, for once.....he was speechless....well....not totally.

"Darling! I think you are highly mistaken! I'm the Underground's #1 Star!" He did a dramatic pose.....Bianca was unimpressed. She just.....wanted some juice or something!!

"Sorry, don't know you." 1000000 damage to Mettaton's ego.

"W-well....! Er.....back to the questions!!" He didn't know what to do so he did what he did best, improvise and keep the audience interested.

Buttons appeared before her, the options she had to choose from....she couldn't read that well. Like because of Toriel she could read at least a little bit but...she was still learning.

"Here's an easy one, the one I was gonna say before you interrupted me! What's the prize for answering correctly?"





Oh boy...she was sweating bullets. Too many words! Not enough time to sound them all out and make sense of all of them! She looked over at Alphys, she was doing something with her hands....forming something...??

"'s the letter D...." Whispered a voice in the back of her mind....the voice wasn't her own but she trusted it either way.


"Right! Sounds like you get it!" Confetti, yay!! The quiz show continues.

"Here's your terrific prize!! What's the kings full name?" ....What's a king?

A. Lord Fluffybuns

B. Fuzzy Pushover

C. Asgore Dreemur

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