A Warning Sign

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Bianca tossed and turned in the bed, sweat was dripping down her face and some other parts of her body. She kept seeing images of monsters, shaking in fear and then white...powdery stuff on the floor. She could hear the screams of pain and the fear on some of their faces. Then she saw the murder weapon...a knife covers in that white powder.

In Bianca's Dream

"Hehehehahahaha!" Bianca's heart skipped at beat that that evil giggle. She looked all around her...she was in some sort of...gold and yellow room with the Delta Rune symbol on it. She could hear the chirping if the birds outside. And at the end of the room she saw,

"Sans?" Her voice echoed through out the room, he didn't respond. He started talking about all this nonsense like how everyone was dead and so was Papyrus, and how she was a dirty brother killer.

"S-Sans! What are you talking about?! You're s-scaring me!" His eyes were void of anything other than the darkness in them. That look scared her, she did not like it. She wanted to go home.

"Please! Somebody help me! I want to go home! I want to go home!"

* ...

*But nobody came

Bianca couldn't control her body, it was like she was just watching it from a 1st person point if view. All she could do was watch and scream, but her voice would go unheard. She begged and pleaded Sans to stop attacking her and tell her what was going on. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Her green SOUL was trapped within a black one, the light of her SOUL was glowing dimmer and dimmer. She was starting to feel very weak.

'Soon, I'll have total control of this timeline! As your SOUL grows weaker, mine grows stronger. Soon...there'll be nothing of you left but your body that will harbor my SOUL like with that other kid, but with less DETERMINATION.'  Determination? What's that? Bianca asked herself as she heard a child-like voice speak in her head. One was enough, but now two?! That'll get annoying quickly. Her SOUL was so small now, soon she'll disappear...how will she survive this?

'Do not worry child, I shall help you.' Gaster! He's here! Thank god. Bianca felt a wave of relief wash over her. She stayed calm and let Gaster do whatever he had to do. He did as much as he could to make her nightmare not as scary. He made her SOUL a bit bigger, that was all she needed.

'Call out to Sans, he might be able to hear you through his SOUL.' Gaster suggested. If Bianca had control of her body, she would have nodded. Bianca said what she has been saying before, with even more emotion.

"SANZY PLEASE HELP ME! I'm scared! I want my mommy and daddy! I want my twin sister Olivia and my other sister Laurin! I want to go home! I don't know what's going on! You're scaring me Sanzy!" Sans hesitated on his next attack. Who said that? He could hear a faint little girls voice, calling out to him. He squinted his eye sockets and he could see what looked like a green SOUL within the black one. How was this possible?

"k...kid?" There was no response, just a low mumbled growl, coming from the child. Said child did a battle cry and charged at Sans.

"No! Don't hurt Sanzy! Please! I can't watch this anymore!" Bianca cried out to the person controlling her body. When would this nightmare end?!

"i know yer in there kid, i can here 'ya. so, stop all of this and...maybe we can be what we used to be in that other timeline...friends? c'mon kid, don't you remember me?" Sans asked.



Bianca's body hesitated...but it still attacked. While the original SOUL of the body had chose a different choice.

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