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Hello everyone!

Sadly this isn't the update you all have wanted, but it still comes with great news!

With academics taking over my life, it leaves me little time to update this story. That doesn't mean it won't ever be completed! And as I've matured I realized a lot of the chapters early on in this story could use an update and over all just be — better.

But while I decide if I should do a complete rewrite or just let the early cringe be seen, I'll let you in on the good news!

I have two new stories out that are shorter and could be completed faster while I get the motivation back to complete this story. College really sucks the motivation out of you ._.

The two fandoms the stories are written for are "The Stanley Parable" a video game about stories and their choices with a Narrator

The story for this is called, "Dreams are Hard to Follow"

And "Hannibal," the series, a cannibal makes art and meals out of people, and becomes obsessed with a profiler with enhanced empathy.

The story for this is called, "The Empath, The Cannibal, and The Vampire"

Check them out while you wait for new chapters XD

See ya!

Night Spirit 💚

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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