Chapter 15: Hotland is Stupidly Hot

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This one may be a bit of a long one, maybe. It all depends on what you think is "long". Let's see if Alphys will be able to keep her promise. Or maybe her nerves and anxiety will (understandably) get the better of her.

Her legs have never been so tired, she has never sweated so much in her three years of life. Well, she actually couldn't recall that much, as there wasn't much of a need to. As most of the time, she would be guided by her parents and they would carry her when she didn't want to walk anymore. Now there was no one there with her to carry her, and quell her pain. Bianca whined to herself, just aching for a break, but if she stopped now, it would just make the journey home that much longer. The ominous structure looming in the distance didn't make her feel better. A ring from jet cellphone startled her out of her complaining thoughts.

It was most likely Alphys again, a part of Bianca wished that it was Toriel instead, how she yearned for the nice goat lady to be by her side, pick her up and shield her from the onslaught of monsters and their battles and just get her home.

RING . . . RING . . . RING . . .

"S-See that building in the distance? That's the CORE. The source of all power for the Underground. It converts geothermal energy into magical electricity by . . . " Alphys had probably caught on that as soon as Alphys had started to go into the science of the building that it was probably too complicated for Bianca to understand, and it would just be lost on her, "Uhh, anyway. That's where you're going to. In the CORE is an elevator directly to Asgore's castle. And from there, you can go home."

The call ended.

Bianca wasn't sure if she knew what an elevator was, but if it meant it would help her get home, she would find out! Filled with the kindness and hope offered by Alphys, Bianca's legs started to move a lot faster and with as much gusto as they could muster. At the end of the singular pathway, she came across what she guessed was an elevator. Was this the one Alphys said would get to Asgore's castle? She had already partially forgotten.

"Is this the evliator? Ev-Eveli-. . . . El-e-vay-tor? It's big, but I like the colors, the colors are colorful."

Bianca spoke to herself, as she slapped her hands onto the big metal doors and pushed. It wouldn't open. This door didn't have any handles, so how did it open? She looked at the line that split the doors in two, and she tried to pull them apart, but sadly that didn't work either. She took a step back from the doors, looking to see first if there would be anyone around to help her. To her dismay and utter annoyance, there was no one. Finally, she looked to the right of the doors, and saw two buttons of triangles pointing up and down.

"Oh. Is a button! I like buttons, these ones look cool, and they look like tryangles! No, wait, that's not right. Uhm . . . But it sounds right to me!" Bianca smiles, as she presses one of the triangle buttons, and the doors slid open. She marveled at the magical sliding doors, elevators were cool!  Entering the elevator, she approached a panel with three buttons.

Please Select a Location:

Left Floor 1, Right Floor 2, Cancel.

Bianca tilted her head, guess she would actually have to TRY and read, as these seemed important. She knew some basics but . . . At the same time, to her it felt like as if she knew nothing. She wasn't as smart as her older sister, definitely not as smart as her parents, how would she be able to read this on her own with no help? She knew there were numbers, numbers were easier to remember than words.

"There is a one and a two, there was a letter and a number on the outside of this elivaytor- no, elevator- right? It was a . . . A one! It was a one. So . . . Two is the next one! . . . I think."

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