The Discussion

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"Paps, somethin his up with the kid." Sans started, Papyrus was already not liking where this conversation was going.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BROTHER?" Sans shushed Papyrus, not wanting Bianca to hear. Or to be woken up by screaming, especially Papyrus' screaming.

"what I mean, is that when she was FIGHTin Undyne, did you notice anything strange 'bout her?" Papyrus took a moment to think about his brothers words...he did notice Bianca acting strangely.



"OH...right. As a matter of fact, I did! The human wasn't using their usual vocabulary rage, their posture was not how it was usually. For a moment, their face...t-their eyes...those eyes, they seemed familiar." Sans' pupils shrunk, and there was a single bead of sweat on his skull. This was not good.

"what-what do you mean? "familiar"?" Sans stammered. Papyrus put a gloved hand on his now throbbing skull, he was getting a migraine.

"I...I actually have no idea. The Great Papyrus is sure that I've seen those kind of eyes and...cracks on her face..." Now Sans was having a mental break down inside his head, could it be that--NO! Impossible...but what if....

"ugh...welp, thanks anyway Paps. Just, tell me if you remember anything else." Papyrus nodded, and he walked to his room to lie down and try to calm down his migraine. Sans teleported down stairs and next to the sleeping form of Bianca.

"what happened to 'ya back there kiddo?...what happened?" He mumbled under his breath, running his bony fingers through her short, blonde hair. That made Bianca smile in her sleep and leaned into Sans' gentle and soothing touch. Sans chuckled, that did will never stop being adorable.
Then she abruptly grabbed his arm and wrapped herself around it like a sloth on a tree branch. She made a little noise as she did and her grin widened as Sans' expression turned into a confused one.
"uh...kiddo?" Bianca just giggled, tightening her grip and kept her eyes closed. She did this with her mom and dad all the time, so...this was her little reminder of her surface life. "what are 'ya doin'?" Bianca just kept doing what she was doing.
Her reminded Sans of Frisk's laugh...when Bianca's eyes are closed, she looks like Frisk...only different. Sans wiggles his arm a bit, but Bianca stayed on. No matter how hard he'd shake or wiggle his arm, she'd stay put.

" determined..." Sans froze when he said that...but then he shook all of the bad thoughts and memories away and focused on the here and now.

"Your arm feels hard." She suddenly said, Sans smiled.

"well, yeah. 'cause it's all bone. you're just skin and muscle." Sans explained while poking Bianca and various places, making her giggle like mad. "oh, ticklish, aren't we?" Bianca knew what was going to happen next, she tried to get away but she was too late. Sans started to tickle her in her most ticklish places. Her face was becoming red from laughter and lack of the proper amount of air.
"No! Hahahaha! No more! P-please!" She tried to say while laughing. That...that's what Frisk said during the Genocide run when they had to fight him...only they weren't laughing...they were crying. Sans suddenly stopped, that memory...that keeps coming back to haunt him. Bianca's cheerful laughter came to a stop when she realized that she wasn't being tickled anymore, and that Sans looked really sad.

"Sansy? Are you alright? Are you sad?" Bianca asked, with concern laced in her voice. She saw Sans' fist clench up, his eyes were dark and void of anything. That look scared Bianca, it reminded her of her nightmare, she wanted Sans' happy face again.

"Sansy, is something wrong? Please say something!" Bianca opened up her eyes and unraveled herself from Sans' arm, which then had a death grip on the couch. "Sans!" Bianca tried again, to get something through to him, anything!

"Something is wrong, Sans' SOUL is fidgeting madly. Like he's being attacked." Gaster telepathically told Bianca, whom was know shaking Sans, desperate for some sign that he was ok. "The natural response for this is...oh no..." Gaster said with dread, now getting Bianca even more riled up about Sans than she already was.

"Oh no? Things are never good when the words "oh no", are in it. What is it?" Should she be panicking?

"Sans' SOUL will force him to relive the memory he is trapped in at this moment, that means he'll be trapped in that state and might see you as a threat. In other words, he'll try to kill you if that's the case." ...yep...she should panic. Sans' form suddenly jerked up, causing Bianca to fall back onto the couch. She gasped as she saw Sans' eye glowing a brilliant blue, while the other one was dark and empty. Bianca whimpered at the look he was giving her, she had no idea how to respond to this, should she FIGHT him to make him snap out if it? Or take the hits and try to make him snap out of it? Why do these things always have to happen to her?!

A/N: Wow! 88 views?! That's Thank you all so much! I noticed that some what days ago it was Undertale's birthday! So here's a late birthday gift. I thought that people were getting annoyed with my story since nobody left any comments and not a lot of people have seen some of my chapters. Now I see that you guys are fateful readers till the end! ...until you get board with me... :/ well. I get my story isn't for everybody, and I have a question for you all.
If you were in Bianca's situation, what would YOU do? FIGHT him? Or take your chances and try to snap him out of it w/o FIGHTing him? Tell me in the comments below! And if I don't get any then I'll decide for myself, this choice thing will end by: Either by the end of the month or on the 12 of October. So that means I won't be updating for a while. See 'ya in the next chapter!

- Night Spirit.

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