Fighting Papyrus

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So Bianca had been living with Sans and Papyrus for some time now, well...maybe like a week or 3? Anyway, she wondered why Papyrus always called her "child". It wasn't like they way Sans would call her "kid" but this somehow...was different.

"CHILD! BREAKFAST IS READY!" Bianca hurriedly ran to the table and in front of her was a plate of...eggs....kidding! It was spaghetti...again.

"But Papy, I had this for breakfast and all those other meal times that I can't remember the name of, for the past...uh....something...days?" She couldn't tell time or what day it was.

"WELL CHILD, THE GREAT PAPYRUS' SPAGHETTI IS ALWAYS THE WAY TO START THE DAY." Bianca had no idea what he was talking about but she didn't really care, she just wanted something else besides spaghetti. 

"Papy?" Bianca wanted some answers on why he keeps calling her "child".

"YES CHILD?" He responded enthusiastically.

"Why do keep calling me "child"?" Papyrus opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He thought about his choice of words and then he responded.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? SANS TOLD ME THAT YOU ARE A CHILD. SO-OH RIGHT! I FORGOT THAT YOU PREFER TO BE CALLED BIANCA." He apologized and Bianca forgave him, but she still wanted to know.

"But Papy, even before you knew my name, you still called me "child". Why?" Papyrus sighed, hadn't he already explained this?

"LIKE I SAID, SANS TOLD ME WHAT YOU WERE AND I DECIDED TO CALL YOU THAT." Bianca nodded her head in understanding.

"'re ok with me being human?" If this were a TV show a record player would've just just abruptly stopped. Papyrus' grin faltered a bit, but not too much as it to be noticeable.

"W-W-WHAT? WHAT...DID YOU SAY?" He wanted to be sure he heard her right.

"I said, so are you ok with me being human?" Yep, he heard her right. Does that mean he has to...and-and then deliver her to...oh no.


"...yeeees..." She stretched out. The happy mood in the room suddenly dropped. The light atmosphere around them turned dark and heavy.

"Bianca...Human...follow me." He said in an uncharacteristic tone of voice. This scared Bianca a bit but she did not complain or disobey, for she trusted Papyrus. For now. For she did not know what was about to happen next, nor would she be prepared for it.
  She stayed close to Papyrus. After a while, as they were walking, some of the colors of, started to fade away into a spiral of white. The wind was picking up speed and it be and harder for Bianca to see.

"Human, stay here." Papyrus told her...well more like ordered her. She obliged and stood in that exact place and Papyrus walked farther away, until he was a good distance away he started to say his normal dialogue that he would say to Frisk. To be honest she wasn't listening to a portion of what he was saying. All she heard was his last bit of dialogue.

"I PITY YOU HUMAN. SO MAYBE ONCE AGAIN, I CAN BE YOUR...NO! I CAN'T. I CAN'T BE YOUR FRIEND! I MUST CAPTURE YOU AND I'L BE ABLE TO BE THE HEAD OF THE ROYAL GUARD." (Sorry if I didn't get it exactly right) Everything around Bianca went Black. Papyrus was all black and white. Her green SOUL popped out of her chest, and she saw the options of,




Bianca was scared, she had never been in a "proper" fight. So she was at loss of what to do.

"I suggest that you move your SOUL onto the ACT button." Gaster suggested, Bianca nodded and tried to move her SOUL. She raised her right arm and faced her palm towards her SOUL. She moved it down to the ACT button, and it worked. She beamed with pride in herself. She thought that she would be able to take it from there.


*INSULT          *TALK


Bianca was stumped, but she didn't want to insult or threaten Papyrus.


So she just talked, but it didn't do anything. Papyrus then used his regular attack. He summoned some bones and Bianca's SOUL went to her chest but just, hovered above it, she was actually gonna have to jump and doge the bones. She managed to jump over some, but she was already struggling to breath afterwords.


She chose the TALK option again, same results. This was getting her no where except hurt. After a lot of attacks and attempts at talking, Papyrus stopped attaching. And he looked at her with sense of knowing. Then her SOUL turned a dark blue.

"YOU ARE BLUE NOW. I ALMOST FORGOT TO DO IT AT THE BEGGING BUT I REMEMBERED."  Bianca was sweating and her heart was pounding so loud and hard that she could hardly think. She found out that there was something wrong with the gravity because as soon as Papyrus did his blue attack, she did a face plant into the snow below her.
  Papyrus sent another round of bones, it was gonna be a lot harder for Bianca. Gaster was trying to help her by telling her went to jump and how high she should go but, it wasn't enough. Bianca's leg soon started to shake and wobble, she had done so much jumping that her leg were beginning to tire out. She kept trying anyways.


This one the only option that she hadn't tried, and she didn't want to do the other ones.

"WHAT? F-FLIRTING?! WELL...W-WE CAN DATE LATER, AFTER I CAPTURE YOU!" Bianca saw that she might be getting somewhere with this option. She did it multiple times, her HP was getting lower by the minute.

*HP 14/20

After flirting with him multiple times, and a dog eating at Papyrus' SPECIAL ATTACK, he finally stopped attacking.


At one point she could say that she wanted to be friends with Papyrus or...say that he was such a loser. She chose the friend option, and Papyrus was ecstatic. Then he said something about being friend zoned or something but Bianca was too busy trying to get her heart to slow down and catch her breath to pay attention.

"You did wonderfully child." Gaster complimented. Bianca blushed at this and giggle softly under her breath so Papyrus wouldn't hear.

"WOWIE HUMA-I MEAN BIANCA! YOU WERE REALLY GOOD! AND I REMEMBER THAT YOU SAID THAT YOU WEREN'T GOOD AT BATTLES." Papyrus ruffled Bianca's hair and she laughed while he did. "JUST IMAGINE HOW YOU'LL DO AGAINST UNDYNE." Bianca's body froze. Sans had gave her a brief talking to about this "Undyne" character, so she knew that she meant business.



"Oh no" Both Papyrus and Bianca said at the same time.

. . .

This was going to be interesting.


Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but school just started so I have to adjust to things. And the usual, leave a vote and/or comment and I'll see u guys later!

- Night Spirit

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