Chapter 10: WaterFall Rescue

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A/N: This is going to be a little educational chapter, and some curious Sans, but the rest is going to be awesome!

Sans was no really wary of Bianca. If she managed to heal Papyrus like that, even though she's not a monster, which means she can't be able to produce magic in her human body, then what else is she capable of? Sans offered that Bianca can stay in his room with him for the night, and while she was sleeping, maybe he can have some time to figure her out.

"kid...? 'ey kid! you awake?"


No response, good. Sans sat up in his messy bed, and got to work. He was always so fascinated with human biology, and he never got the chance to learn more about humans, and now was as good of a time then any. He twisted his body do he was facing Bianca's sleeping form and got to work.

Bianca was on her right side with her arms almost hanging off of the bed, so Sans had to be careful to move her on her her back and move her arms to her side and not wake her up.

"please be a heavy sleeper." Sans begged in his mind, and started to move Bianca. He grasped her left shoulder and her right arm and began to slowly move her onto her back. Once this action was completed all Bianca did was a tired groan, as her resting position has been tampered with, and at the sudden contact. Sans stopped a movement, afraid that she had woken up....but nothing happened, he sighed in relief and continued his examination.

Her hair was soft to the touch, despite it had not been washed in days, her hair was slightly greasy but it was still the curly bright blonde hair that it was. Sans grazed his hand across Bianca's right cheek (the cheeks on her face) and it was so...soft and squishy. Yet it he pressed down on some points of her face, he could feel something hard underneath the skin, but just what was it? He'd find out sooner or later. (It was her bones)

Her lips were slightly parted so he could see all of her little teeth....should he dare to touch them? ....he does. With one of his boney fingers he touched the visible top parts of her teeth. Two of them were missing, the top front ones...did he do that during the fight? He hoped not.

"they feel like my bones...only wet..." this was surprising to Sans, but he kept on with his examining. If he were to be extremely quiet, he could hear her deep breathing, it was...calming, to say the least. Next, he did something that he wasn't sure of, he had to be extra careful, he slowly put the part of his skull where his ears would normally be and rested it upon her sternum and listened.




It was the sound of her heart beat. It was...astounding to him, and if he payed really close attention, he could almost hear the air rushing in and out of her lungs, it was slowly lulling him to sleep, but for once Sans resisted the urge to and he lifted his head of of her chest. He then quickly placed his head on where her stomach would be, he could hear it, but yet he couldn't. It was too quiet, so little by little, he put pressure on the spot where his head rested to hear it better.

He could hear it clearly now, and no signs of Bianca waking up. He could hear it moan and groan, working on the last bit of food she ate. At one point it growled so loud that Sans almost fell off of the bed in shock.

'what the heck was that?!' He wondered to himself in his head. Then he pieced it together and concluded that she was just hungry...then that got him wondering of when Bianca actually last ate...he'd have to treat her to Grillby's for making Papyrus so happy and not waking up, allowing him to do this for as long as he has.

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