Friendly Conversation

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Sans then got an idea. He grabbed a hot cat that he kept in his zipper hoodie pocket and put his hand under the girls chin and faced her face up towards the ceiling so she could eat it better.

"c'mon kid, wake up! ya gotta eat this so you'll feel better." She stirred awake. Sans could see her HP.

*HP 14/20

Uh oh, that wasn't good. She had to eat the hot cat now! Before her HP went all the way down to zero. The kids eyes open, her bluish gray eyes looked a bit more dull and you could see all of the pain she was feeling in said eyes.

'Human, you must stay determined.' The voice rang through Bianca's head. She payed no mind to it.

" t-that?" Her voice as quiet and shaking. Her leg had gone numb from all of the pain.

"it's somethin' that'll heal you up, now hurry and eat it!" Sans ushered Bianca. She tried to sit up and grab it from Sans' hand but she quickly went back into her original position because of her leg.

"Ow!" Sans saw her distress and realized that he'd have to feed it to her.

"alright kid, say "Ah"." He sighed. Bianca obliged and opened her mouth. Sans fed Bianca the hot cat and she chewed it and swallowed. It left a little tingling feeling in her stomach, then she felt it on her leg where the wound was, it was slowly starting heal itself.

"That was really good! What was that?" She asked.

*HP 20/20

"that was a hot cat. It healed ya up. yer welcome, by the way, I never caught yer name. well, you were unconscious..." Sans explained. He looked off into the distance, lost in thought.

'why am I askin' 'em this? I know their name by now, with how many RESETs I've been through and remember.' Bianca tugged on his sleeve. Sans was snapped out of his daze and looked over at the small child.

"wait'a minute...yer not Frisk..." He pointed at her and he narrowed his eye sockets. He hadn't too much time to notice her appearance (and was too lazy too). Now he had and it wasn't what he was used to. Her face was stained with dried tears, guess she'd been crying a lot. Bianca had enough energy to sit up, and she backed up into the couch in fear, but she wasn't that scared she as just...startled.

"Who's Frisk?" She questioned. Her eye brow raised up to make sure he got the message of how confused she was. He got the message, he let out a sigh and looked Bianca in the eye.

"that doesn't concern you. now, who are you?" He asked, getting a bit impatient. For all he knew it could be Chara in that body, and not...whatever this kids name was! He kept his guard up.

"I'm Bianca." She told him. The fear in her eyes slowly melting away. Sans was a bit confused, why wasn't she scared of him? To almost any human he must look terrifying to them but...she just looked at him with a look of wonder.

"Bianca, do you know what I am?"

"Um...a monster! And mommy told me that the monsters here are really kind!" She was beaming. So she had no idea that he was a skeleton. (A/N: I know earlier she called Gaster "blob-skele-man" but it was only cause...I made her say it...don't judge (meant Hall) me!)

"hehehe that's not what I meant. do you know what type of monster I am?" He specified. Hoping that she would understand.

"No...s-should I?" She was a bit nervous now. Was she suppose to know? Did she know but forgot? Did she offend him by not knowing?

"how old are 'ya kiddo?"

"3." she answered bluntly. So he wasn't offended, that's good.

"well, seems like you don't know your biology." She just blinked.

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