Side Effects

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A/N: HOLY SNUFF NUGGETS! I now have more than 1 vote! I've got 3! YAAAAYYY! Thank you guys soooo much! I also have 60 views! 60! That's a big deal for a beginner like me! *starts crying* thank u guys so much, for taking the time to read this and...doing the vote thing! And leave a comment if you'd like!

Bianca's body was some how no longer effected by the cold, for a green aura was surrounding her, almost as if blocking the cold from getting into/on her body.

"Man...speak in hands...can the one...with the knife...still has chance" She mumbled, to anybody else besides her sleeping mind will not understand what she was saying...but Gaster could somewhat, understand her.

"C-child? What was that you said?" He wanted to see if he heard correctly. There was no response, now he was getting a bit desperate. "Please! Tell me! What did you say?!" This could be his chance to figure out how to get back to his his sons. However, the child's human mind had already forgotten about it.

"Can'" Meanwhile, Sans and Papyrus were having a heart attack...despite them being skeletons, out of fear for the child.


"i...i don' think there're runnin'." Sans said, that caused Papyrus to skid to a stop.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BROTHER?" Sans simply pointed out into the distance in front of them. Papyrus gasped, just in the distance he could see the silhouette figure of the human child. "AH! CHILD! IT IS I, THE GREAT-" Sans shushed Papyrus.

"the kiddo is sleepin'." Sans listened closely and could hear her steady breathing. If he concentrated long enough, he could maybe even hear her heart beat...but he was too lazy to.

"THEN-THEN HOW IS SHE WALKING? AND APPARENTLY TALKING?!" Papyrus asked, Sans as usual, just shrugged.

"probably some human thing, better go...uh...wake her up or somethin." He said, then he started to walk over to Bianca, suddenly she just...dodged his touch. "huh?" He tried again to shake her shoulder to shake her awake, she dodged again.

"SANS? WHY IS THE HUMAN REACTING LIKE THAT?" Papyrus walked up to Sans, who just had a look of wonder and curiosity on his skeletal face. Or...something like that...anyways, Sans decided to test something out. His left eye socket started to glow blue with blue fire coming out of it. He took his hand out of his hoodie pocket and made a bone appear.
Bianca's body tensed up a bit, then suddenly...she started talking. Well...under her breath so nobody heard her. Then...the green aura that was surrounding her earlier, had gotten brighter, and more noticeable.

"♍️h♋️r♋️ one with green, but separate from hands, the golden goat flower is what you'll need, to stop her insidious plans..." She then bent her knees a little and jumped...well more like did a summer-salt over the bone, and she stuck the landing and did a finishing pose like a gymnast would...still she slept, oblivious to what was going outside of her little dream world.

"WOWIE! I'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH FLUID MOVEMENT BEFORE! WELL...BESIDES UNDYNE WHEN SHE'S FIGHTING THE DUMMY AND ALL THAT." Papyrus said to nobody in particular. Sans was astonished at what he'd just seen...was that normal for humans that young and tiny to be able to do that? He'd have to ask Alphys.
He then turned his bone attacks up a notch. The green aura on Bianca intensified, as a look of DETERMINATION was spread across her face. She dodged, jumped, and did other movements that if she were awake, would never be able to do. Back flips, front flips, all kinds of flips. She was like a ninja, great speed, agility, so on and so fourth.

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