Chapter 3

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Every Saturday, Dom would have the team over for lunch. A time to cook outside, relax and hangout with no worries about racing., ordering parts, money, etc. It was a time for the team to relax and enjoy time together like a family. Leon, Jessie and Vince bounced into the house. Messing around, Jessie jokingly pushed Leon as they talked about their cars. Not paying attention, Leon tripped over a pile of blankets. "Whoa!" he exclaimed as he landed on the couch where Carmen was sleeping. "Ah!" Carmen yelped. "Well good morning Leon" she laughed. Their noses were touching as he laid on top of her.. "I-I uh..." Leon trailed off as he lost himself in her dark brown eyes. "I'm so sorry Carmen! We were just messing around and I lost my balance!" Leon said as he pushed himself off her. "Don't worry about it!" Carmen laughed as she sat up. "What's going on?" she asked him. "It's Saturday brunch!" Jessie said as if it were obvious. "Dom started this tradition after Jack died... Everyone comes over, we cook and hangout. No business, just us as a family." Vince explained to Carmen. "Sounds great! I'll go get changed!" Carmen exclaimed as she jumped up from the couch. Her long t-shirt barely covered her ass. Leon shamelessly stood in the living room and watched Carmen walk up to the bedroom as the others walked out to the backyard. "Leon!" Dom shouted into the house, snapping him back into reality. "Yeah, yeah I'm coming!"

Everyone sat around a white patio table that was filled with breakfast and lunch, from fruit salad and scrambled eggs to grilled chicken and oven roasted potatoes. Sitting down next to Leon, Carmen grabbed the scrambled eggs and sausage. "Carmen you were the first to take a bite, you say grace" Dom said. "Alright." she replied as everyone held hands. A spark of electricity buzzed through her body as Carmen placed her hand in Leon's. "Lord, bless this food and those who are sitting here today. We are thankful to have each other and to have all the opportunities in life that you've given us. Look over us. Amen." Carmen said. "Amen!" everyone echoed. "So, Carmen, what--what are you doing back in L.A.??" Jessie asked with a mouthful of food. "Oh um my mom died. I had no family left in Brazil so I came back here" she answered while trying not to look up at their sympathetic glances. "How did she die?" Mia softly asked. "Heart attack. They tried to revive her but it was too late" Carmen said. The table was silent until Leon spoke up. "Hey Jessie, did you see the new parts that Harry's shipping in?" he asked, changing the subject. "Oh yeah, they're wicked!!" Jessie exclaimed as he shoveled more food into his mouth. Carmen looked over at Leon who gave her a playful wink, to which she returned with a grateful smile.

After brunch, Carmen gathered as many dishes as she could and began cleaning up in the kitchen. It gave her time to think about what her life could have been like if things were different. "Hey Leon! Can you tell Dom to wait? I have some papers he needs to sign for Harry. Just let me set these inside and--" Mia was saying when Leon cut her off with a chuckle. "Here, I'll take these inside while you run after Dom" he said as he took the dishes from her hands. "Thanks!" Mia gratefully said as she turned to go find her brother before they drove off to the garage.

Leon paused in the kitchen doorway as he watched Carmen hum a mindless tune and was dishes. He didn't know what it was that made him drawn to her, but since she arrived back in east L.A. Leon wasn't able to stop thinking about her. "I'm sorry about your mom" he said before setting the dishes down on the counter next to the sink. "Thank you," Carmen said. "And thanks for changing the subject back there" she added. "Hey no problem" Leon said as he flashed her a smile. "Shouldn't you be going to the garage with Dom and the rest of the team?" Carmen asked him as Leon grabbed a towel and started drying off the clean dishes. "I can afford to miss a few minutes in the garage for a pretty girl" he winked. Carmen blushed at his words but shook her head. "Don't get too flirty now!" she laughed while playfully flicking his arm with the wet rag. Leon stepped behind her to put away another dish, his body was brushing against hers. "Why not?" he whispered in her ear. Carmen's breath hitched in her throat as she spun around to face him. Her brown eyes flickered up to his green ones that were already smoldering down at her. The moment was ruined when Vince shouted into the house from the back door. "Aye Leon, let's go! We've got work to do, man!!" he shouted. "You heard the man, you've got work to do" Carmen giggled. "I'll be back!" Leon told her. "I'll be here" she laughed as he ran out. 

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