Chapter 22

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"You've been staring out this window for a while. Are you okay, babe?" Carmen asked her boyfriend as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I'm worried," Leon admitted with a long sigh. "They should have been here by now," he added as he looked up at her. "Hey, I'm sure they'll be here soon," Carmen reassuringly said. "Will you sit with me? Please?" Leon asked her. "Of course" Carmen replied. Reaching out, Leon gently wrapped her wrist and pulled her onto his lap.. The two of them sat in silence, looking out the window at the small town until Leon spoke up. "I can't lose anyone else" he whispered. "I almost watched you die during our heist and that scared the shit outta me... I need you. And Jessie is like my little brother, he was the only family I had before we found the team. I can't lose him either" he told her. "Things will be okay." Carmen said as she kissed the top of his head.

Hearing someone knock on the front door of the house they were lying low in, Carmen moved off of Leon's lap. Both of them grabbed their guns as Letty opened the door. "Dom!" Letty gasped once she saw him standing there. "Mia!" Carmen exclaimed as she dropped her gun and rushed to give her cousin a hug. "Aye man we were getting worried" Leon said as he gave Dom a hug. "Where's Jessie?" Leon asked. Dom and Mia shared a quiet, somber glance with each other. Silently debating who should deliver the news. "Dom. Where is Jessie?" Leon asked again. "He didn't make it" Mia whispered as a tear rolled down her cheek. "Johnny Tran and his cousin shot up the house. Jessie was standing outside and was hit really bad" Dom explained. "Shit..." Leon whispered as he ran a hand over his face, tears in his eyes. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!" he screamed at Dom. "WE TRUSTED YOU TO HAVE OUR BACKS LIKE WE ALWAYS HAD YOURS!!" Leon angrily screamed again as he shoved Dom. "I DO HAVE YOUR BACK!!" Dom screamed back. "JUST NOT WHEN WE REALLY NEED YOU!!" Leon screamed. "WHEN JESSIE WAS SCARED OR FREAKED OUT, I TOLD HIM THAT I WOULD PROTECT HIM!! THAT WE CAME TO YOU AND TRUSTED YOU BECAUSE FAMILY PROTECTS EACH OTHER!" Leon screamed at Dom as Carmen pulled him back, tears in her own eyes. "We're leaving," Leon firmly said. "Leon, please!" Mia cried, not ready to lose any more family than she already had. "Carmen..." Dom trailed off, hoping she would be the voice of reason. "I think taking some time apart until things cool down is a good idea. Let the heat from the cops die down and give Leon time to grieve over Jessie." she said. "I'll keep in touch, okay?" Carmen told her cousins as she gave them hugs goodbye. "You take care of yourself, girl" Leon told Letty before switching places with Carmen to hug Mia. 

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