Chapter 6

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For weeks Carmen had been with the team in the garage. She was hellbent on fixing the car that was badly damaged and making it run again. The team had gone back to the Toretto house, calling it a night, but Carmen stayed behind to continue working on the car. "I gotta say, I'm impressed" Leon said as he leaned on the side of the car, watching Carmen fiddle with the engine. "Yeah?" she asked. "Yeah! I didn't think this car was ever gonna run again, but it looks almost brand new" he honestly told her. "Well maybe all it needed was a woman's touch" Carmen teasingly said. Leon chuckled as he moved to stand behind her, his arms trapping her between the hood of the car and him. Carmen's breath hitched in her throat as she felt Leon's hot breath fan across the back of her neck. "You..." Carmen trailed off as she spun around to face him. "You are being so very distracting" she said while leaning into him. "Maybe you need a break" Leon said as he placed his hands on her hips. "I think you're right" Carmen said as she brushed her lips against his. Fed up with the teasing and the tension between them, Leon cupped Carmen's face and pulled her in for a kiss. "Mmm" she whimpered as her hands reached out to grab his arms. Leon's hands trailed down her sides and firmly cupped her ass, lifting Carmen up, Leon placed her on the hood of the car she was working on. Pulling apart from their kiss for air, Leon wasted no time trailed the kiss to her neck. Carmen closed her eyes in pleasure as she tilted her head to the side to give him more access. Her hands wove themselves in his brown hair as she slowly began to grind against him. "Leon!" Carmen gasped as she pushed him back. She could feel the noticeably large hickey already forming on her neck. "If Dom sees this, he'll kill you. You can't mark me like that!" she said. "I don't care if he sees them. If I want to mark my girl, I'm gonna mark her!" Leon said as he gripped her ass. "Your girl?" she echoed, cocking her brow at him. "Mine" Leon confirmed before kissing her again.

"You're worrying for nothing," Leon said as he pulled up to the Toretto house. "Leon, the last time a guy marked me up and Dom saw it, the two of them had a little talk..." Carmen said. "What's so bad about the two--" Leon was saying when she cut him off. "And he conveniently left town that night!!" she said. "Carmen come on, it's me. It's not like I'm some stranger or punk ass kid. It'll be fine" Leon confidently said. "If you say so" Carmen said as they walked inside. "We were wondering when you guys would be here." Mia said. "There are leftovers in the fridge, plenty for both of you" she added. "Oh thank god, I'm starving!" Carmen exclaimed as she went to grab herself a plate.

Walking back into the living room with her plate of food, Carmen sat on the floor next to Letty who was playing the new racing video game against Jessie. Subconsciously, Carmen ran her hand through her hair and swooshed it to the side, exposing her neck.. "Damn girl!! Who was eager to jump in your pants?" Letty laughed as she saw Carmen's neck. "Shit!" Carmen gasped as she tried to cover it back up with her hair before anyone could see it, but she was too late.. "When did that happen? You've been working in the garage all day and that wasn't there this morning!" Mia said. Vince's eyes flickered from Carmen to Leon as he put two and two together. "You sly son of a bitch!" Vince shouted as he turned to Leon. "You did this? You're the one who marked her up?" he angrily asked as he slapped Leon's beer out of his hand. "Vince!" Carmen exclaimed. She should've known that Dom wasn't going to be the only overprotective one. "Alright, alright, enough!" Dom said as he lightly shoved Vince away from Leon. "Aye, Dom... I-I umm, I-I can explain. I--" Leon tried saying when Dom calmly cut him off. "Let's go for a drive" he said. "Sure, sure!" Leon quickly agreed as he looked over at Carmen. "I'm sorry." she mouthed as they left the house. "You and Leon, huh?" Mia giggled. "Shut up!" Carmen laughed as she blushed red. "There won't be a you and Leon if Dom decides to run him outta town!!" Letty joked. "Or kill him," Jessie jokingly added. "Oh god... " Carmen groaned. "I think you'll be just fine," Mia said, giving Carmen a wink. 

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