Chapter 9

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Much to Mia's protest, Dom and the team prepared for another attack on a cargo truck transporting electronics worth thousands of dollars, if not more. Needing another driver, Carmen offered to help the team with their heist, much to Leon's protests. "Carmen, let's go! We gotta get going!" Vince shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Are you ready for this?" Dom asked Carmen as she joined them outside. "No," Carmen honestly replied. "But you need another member and family doesn't back out on family" she added as she took the grapple bag from his hands and put it on. "Alright let's do this" Dom said.

Carmen could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She had never done something so risky and big before, there were a million things that could go wrong and that's all her mind could focus on. "Baby, are you okay?" Leon asked, snapping her out of her negative thoughts. "Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine" she shortly said as she glanced out the passenger window. "Talk to me baby" Leon said. He didn't even have to look over at her to know something was wrong, he could tell by the tone of her voice. "There's a million things that could go wrong, Leon... I'm a little worried" she said shakily. Reaching over, Leon grabbed her hand, giving her a reassuring squeeze. "We'll be okay... It's a quick cut. Distract the driver, grab the stuff and then we're out. You just focus on your part and we'll do the rest" he told her. "Guys the truck's in sight. Get ready!" Dom shouted into the walkie's. "Leon! You and Carmen take back position!! Get her as close as you can to that truck!!!" Dom instructed him. "You got this baby!" Leon told Carmen as she rolled down the window and climbed out, crouching on the hood of the car. Okay here we go, she thought as the heist began.

Grabbing the grappling gun from the bag she had on, Carmen aimed it at the middle of the trailer on the last crate the truck was carrying. Once the grapple pierced through the metal, Carmen tugged on the line to make sure it was secure. "You ready baby?" Leon asked through the walkie. Grabbing the walkie that was on the shoulder strap of her bag. "Yeah, yeah I'm ready! Move me in!!" she replied. Leon drove closer to the back of the truck as Carmen slid further down the hood of his car till she was at the front. Jumping off his car, she grabbed onto the metal bars on the back of the truck. "Okay she's on the truck! Next move!!" Leon shouted to Dom through the coms.

Climbing the ladder, Carmen swiftly walked across the top of the two trailers and slid down between the sleeper's cabin and the front trailer. Grabbing the torch from her backpack, Carmen began melting down the hook so that the trailer's would detach from the sleeper's cabin. "AHHH!!!" Carmen screamed as the truck began to serpentine once he realized they were trying to rob his truck. Losing her footing, Carmen wobbled backwards. Grabbing a thick black wire, Carmen's body was flung off and onto the side of the trailer. "AHH!" she screamed again, clinging to the wire for her life. "CARMEN! Leon screamed through his walkie. The sight of his girl hanging on the swerving truck sent his heart into his stomach. "Carmen, hang on!! We'll distract the diver while Vince drives up to get you!" Dom shouted into the walkie. "HURRY!" she screamed into the walkie as she grabbed the metal pole on the sleeper's cabin. She was able to hold herself still instead of slinking around on a thick wire every time the driver swerved. "Oh my god" Carmen whispered as she saw a bridge coming up a few miles ahead. The bridge was only narrow enough to barely fit the semi. With her stuck to the side, the bridge would scrape her off and kill her. "SOMEONE GET ME THE HELL OFF THIS THING!!! THERE'S A BRIDGE COMING UP!!!!" she screamed into her walkie. "Carmen, you've gotta jump!!" Vince shouted into his walkie as he drove up next to the side of the truck. "ARE YOU CRAZY!?" she screamed. "JUMP!!!" Vince told her again. Carmen almost let go of the bar when a shot blasted at Vince's car, shattering the windshield. "Shit he's got a gun" Vince shouted into the walkie. Grabbing the gun from the waistband of her pants, Carmen shot the tires of the truck. "Carmen what are you doing?!" Letty shouted. The truck began to swerve and jerk as the driver was losing control. "LETTY, VINCE, GET OUTTA THERE!!!" Carmen screamed as the truck began to fall. Carmen gripped the pole tighter as the truck tipped over. Her body was roughly slammed against the metal truck as it hit the ground.

Dom and the team pulled over around the fallen semi. "I'll go check the driver!!" Vince said as he ran around to the other side. "Carmen!" Dom shouted as they searched for her. "Carmen, baby!" Len shouted in a panic. "Dom! Leon! Over here!!" Jessie shouted as he found Carmen lying on the trailer. "Dom, she's knocked out cold," Letty said. "The driver's knocked out too!" Vince said. "Leon, take Carmen and get her back to the house. Call Mia on the way" Dom told him. "The rest of you, start unloading the trucks!" he said.

"Oh... that's gonna leave a bruise." Carmen groaned as she came to. "Baby!" Leon exclaimed as he ran to her side.. "What happened?" Carmen groaned as she sat up. "You took out a semi truck," Letty laughed as she handed her a glass of water. "You scared the hell outta us!' Leon said as he pulled her into his lap, holding her tightly. "I'm fine. I'm sore, but I'm fine" Carmen sighed as she leaned back into him. "We're glad you're alive" Dom said as he kissed the top of her head. 

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