Chapter 15

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The Toretto house was in full swing as the music shook the ground. Carmen wasn't sure how all the people came to be at the house, but she didn't care. "Hey, babe!" she drunkenly exclaimed as she handed Leon another beer. "Aye! There's my girl!" Leon chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down onto his lap. "Whoa man, you're dating a Toretto?" one of the random guys Leon was talking to asked him. "Yes he is!" Carmen drunkenly giggled. "Damn, you're lucky man!" the guy said as he eyed Carmen up and down. "And you'll be lucky I don't beat the shit out your ass for eyeing up my girl!" Leon protectively said as he glared at the guy. "Sorry, man!" the guy said. "Is not his fault he was staring, I am sexy but you already know that, babe!" Carmen whispered in Leon's ear as she played with the chain around his neck. Leon let out a breathless chuckle at her drunk girlfriend as the guy continued telling Leon his story.

Carmen was whispering sweet and naughty things in Leon's ear as he continued talking to one of his buddies. Even in her drunken state, she could tell he was close to snapping and dragging her off to one of the bedroom's. "Aye, Dom!" Leon exclaimed when he saw the eldest Toretto walk through the front door. "Dom what the hell!?" Carmen exclaimed as her cousin slapped Leon's beer out of his hand. "You all left me behind for the cops!!" Dom shouted. "We did what you told us to do! Drive and don't look back!" Carmen shouted in defense of her and the team.. Dom pursed his lips and didn't say anything because he knew she was right. He always put the team first, as family does for one another.. If anyone was going to get caught running from the police, Dom wanted it to be him and not them. "Dom! What's the buster doing here?!" Vince shouted as he glared daggers at Brian who stood awkwardly near the front door. "The buster kept me outta handcuffs! He's in my good graces!" Dom shouted back. Letty quickly got up and pulled Dom back from Vince before the two of them threw punches. "Brian!" Dom shouted as he and Letty were halfway up the stairs. "You still owe me a ten second car" Dom told Brian. "Shit, you're screwed man!" Letty laughed before dragging Dom away. "Brian welcome to the partyyy!!" Carmen drunkenly exclaimed as she wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "House rule, you can have any beer as long as it's a Corona!!" she laughed. "Thanks" Brian laughed as he took the beer she held out for him. "Second house rule, don't get with someone else's girl" Leon spat as he watched Carmen cling to the blondie.. "Relax, babe, it's not me he's after!" Carmen giggled as Mia came marching up, pushing Vince back. "Mia--" Vince tried saying when Carmen cut him off with her drunken ramble. "Go! Go on, have fun!" she giggled as she pushed Mia and Brian towards the kitchen.. "Now that's all settled, you are coming with me!" Carmen said as she grabbed Leon's hand, dragging him out of the house.

"Baby, do you even know where you're taking me?" Leon chuckled as he was being dragged across the front lawn. "Your car" Carmen said as she leaned against the cool metal. "Okay..." Leon chuckled. "Why did you drag us out to my car?" he asked her. "So you can fuck me." she drunkenly giggled. "C'mon... don't tell me you've never thought about it" she mused as she leaned into him.. Leon took a deep sharp breath as he held onto her hips. "You know you want to" she giggled. "My heavy breathing fogging up the glass" she whispered against his neck. "Our bodies pressed tight together as you fuck me in the back seat" she added while placing kitten kisses along his neck and jaw. "Get in the car!" Leon demanded. Carmen seductively bit her lip as she slid into the backseat of his car.

"Shit, baby... I've been waiting to do this all night!" Leon said, his voice sounding desperate. "You're so hot" he groaned as his hands greedily ran over her body. Carmen rubbed herself against Leon's already half hard length. Reaching up, Leon grabbed a handful of Carmen's long black hair and pulled it into a makeshift ponytail. With her neck exposed, Leon licked a strip on her skin before sucking on her sweet spots. Carmen's hands attempted to unbutton Leon's jeans, but her mind was too focused on Leon touching her. She felt like her skin was on fire from his touch. "Leon!" she drunkenly giggled as he ripped apart her daisy duke shorts that barely covered her ass. "Fuck, baby, no panties either?" he panted against her hot skin. "O-Oh!" Carmen gasped as Leon gripped her hips, pushing her down his length. She gripped the seat behind him as she began to ride him. "Oh!!" Leon moaned as he threw his head back in pleasure. "Fuck!" he breathed as he gripped her hips harder. His hands guided Carmen's hips to move faster and even harder against him. "F-Fuck!! O-Oh my god! Oh!!" Carmen loudly whimpered. Leon's hands ran over Carmen's smooth back, his fingers dug into her bare thighs. Her body was covered in a light layer of sweat., which only turned her boyfriend on more. Leon pushed his hips up to meet her thrusts, making Carmen bite her lip. Her hands trailed from his biceps up to his neck, as her fingers wove themselves into his damp hair. Leon reached up and tangled his hands into her long black hair, pulling her into him, he closed the gap. Carmen whimpered into the needy kiss as she moved her hips harder against him. Leon pushed his hips up to meet Carmen's, thrusting himself further into her as they both reached their climax. "Aa-ahh!!" Carmen screamed as Leon exploded inside of her.

Still straddling his lap, Carmen collapsed into him, her head resting on his bare sweaty chest. "Damn baby that was... wow that was amazing" Leon panted as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly as he enjoyed the simple contact. "I knew you wanted to fuck me in your car!" Carmen giggled, making Leon laugh a little too. "But now we have a problem." she added as she pulled back to face him. "Did I hurt you?" he worryingly asked her. "No, no not at all!" she assured him. "You ripped my shorts and I can't walk back into a house full of people with no pants or panties" Carmen told him. "I mean, I'm sure everyone inside would love to see this... " she jokingly giggled, still drunk. "Absolutely not" Leon seriously said, but a smile still graced his lips as he looked down at his girl. "Let's just stay here a little longer" he added as he lovingly kissed her bare shoulder. "Mmm okay" Carmen sighed as she closed her eyes, still resting against him. 

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