Chapter 11

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After the semi truck disaster on their last big heist, Dom insisted that Carmen stay behind with Mia to work at the cafe grocery shop. "Dom, I'm more than capable of driving just don't put me on the actual semi truck" Carmen tried arguing. "You're not going" Dom firmly told her again. "Fine!" Carmen huffed, giving up on the argument. "Hey, you be careful out there" Carmen told her boyfriend as she grabbed onto his white t-shirt, holding him close to her. "You watch their backs and make sure you all come home in one piece. You got it?" she asked, looking up into his eyes. "I'll be back before you know it," Leon winked. Carmen playfully rolled her eyes before leaning up to kiss him. "I love you" he muttered against her lips. "I love you too" she replied before he took off.

The cafe was low key and quiet aside from the occasional office worker that stopped by to get a quick bite to eat during their lunch break. "Mia" Carmen whispered. The young Toretto looked up from her trendy magazine. "What?" Mia asked. "I spy your lover boy" Carmen smirked as she cocked her head towards the blond surfer looking guy getting out of his truck. For weeks the same guy had come into the cafe around the lunch rush and ordered the same tuna sandwich. "Hey Mia!" the guy greeted as he sat down on his usual stool at the counter. "Let me guess, tuna on white with no crust?" Mia mused. "I don't know, how is it?" he joked back. "Well let's see, it was crappy yesterday and it was crappy the day before and guess what... it's still pretty crappy" Mia sarcastically replied. "I'll take the tuna on white" he chuckled. "No crust?" Mia guessed. "No crust" he confirmed, giving her a smile. Walking around the counter, Carmen snatched the magazine that the guy was reading while Mia made his sandwich. "You're a racer?" Carmen asked as she flipped through the racing magazine, he was looking at NOS. "Nah, I'm just looking" he casually replied. "What's your name? You've been coming here for lunch for weeks and not once have you introduced yourself" Carmen said. "I'm Brian" he introduced while shaking her hand.. "I'm Carmen Toretto and well... you've already taken it upon yourself to know Mia" Carmen smirked. "Carmen!" Mia scoffed as she whacked her cousin's arm with her towel, the two of them laughing.

Hearing the smooth roar of engines pull up to the cafe, Carmen and Mia smiled. "Leon!" she shouted as she ran into his open arms. "Aye, baby!" Leon smiled as he picked her up, his hands went under her ass to hold her up while her arms wrapped themselves around his neck. "Welcome home!" Carmen giggled as she kissed him. "Mmm, missed you" Leon muttered against her lips. "Aye, get a room!" Vince shouted at them as Jessie fixed his engine. Setting Carmen down, Leon wrapped his arm around her as they walked into the cafe to get cold drinks. "Uh oh." Carmen said as Vince chased Brian out of the cafe. "Uh oh, what?" Leon asked her as he grabbed a drink for Jessie. "Vince!" Carmen shouted as he threw a punch at Brian. Running out towards the parking lot, she attempted to break up the fight. "Are you going to do anything!?" Letty shouted at Leon who was making sarcastic comments with Jessie. "Aye, my girl can take care of herself. I know better than to get in between her and a fight with Vince" Leon said. "Jesus Christ, Dom! I'm so sick of this shit! Would you do something!?" Mia screamed at him. "What did you put in that sandwich?" Dom jokingly asked Mia, but she didn't find it funny. "That's hilarious!" she snapped. "Dom!!" Letty shouted, gesturing for him to get out there and do something.

"Vince, stop it! Leave him alone, he didn't do anything!" Carmen shouted as she pounded her fists on him, trying to pull him back. From behind, Dom picked Carmen up and set her behind him, slightly shoving her into Leon's arms. "Hey, that's enough!!" Dom shouted as he pulled Vince off of Brian. "Go cool off!" Dom told Vince. "NOW!!" he added. "Who the hell are you?" Dom asked Brian. "His name's Brian. He comes here for lunch" Carmen told Dom. "You work for Harry?" Dom asked Brian. "Yeah, yeah I just started" Brian breathlessly answered. "You were just fired!" Dom shouted at Brian. "Now get outta here" he added before he stormed back into the cafe. Carmen looked over her shoulder to see Mia sadly watching Brian leave. 

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