Chapter 16

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"Carmen! Carmen! Carmen! Carmen!" Mia chanted as she ran across the garage to her cousin. "Hey speedracer, where's the fire?" Carmen jokingly asked Mia. "I need your help!" Mia seriously said. "Help with what? Are you hurt?" Carmen asked. "No! My date with Brian is tonight! I need help getting ready!" Mia told her cousin.. "Mia you don't need my help, you always look great!" Carmen said. "I'm too nervous! I've never been like this before, the last outfit I tried on was a striped shirt and a polka dot skirt!" Mia cried out. "Okay nevermind, you do need help" Carmen laughed. "What time's your date?" she asked Mia. "Brian's coming to pick me up at five," Mia said.. "Shit Mia, it's four o'clock right now!" Carmen exclaimed. "I know that! Please help me!!" Mia begged. "Okay come on! We've got plenty of time if we hurry back!" Carmen said. "Aye, baby where are you going?" Leon asked as she and Mia ran past him and Jessie. "Getting Mia ready for her date with Brian tonight!" Carmen shouted back as the two girls slid into her car.

Brian nervously gulped as he sat in the living room of the Toretto house for Mia. For once the house was dead silent as he sat under the intense stares of Leon, Jessie and Dom. "So... have you and Carmen been a couple for a long time?" Brian asked Leon as he attempted to make small talk. "Almost two years," Leon said as he sipped his beer. "You gonna marry her?" Brian asked. "Maybe one day" Leon answered. "Why not now?" Brian asked. "Man, why do you gotta ask so many questions?" Leon asked him. "I'm just trying to make small talk!" Brian said in defense. "Look man, I love my girl and I'm not leaving her. But right now, it's just not the time to ask" Leon explained. "I've got things planned out" he added, sipping his drink. "W-Well that's a first" Jessie jokingly muttered making the other three chuckle. "You've got things planned out? A married life with my cousin?" Dom musingly asked as he turned to look at Leon. The racer shifted in his seat, "Assuming you give me permission... yeah, I've got a plan" Leon said. Dom opened his mouth to reply when a cough from behind interrupted him. "Oh wow..." Brian said as Mia gracefully floated down the stairs and into the living room. "Mia, you look beautiful" Brian said. Despite the short amount of time, Carmen and Mia found a cute pink dress that was perfect for Mia's date. "Thanks " Mia replied, blushing at his compliment. "Brian!" Dom said before the two of them left the house. "She's back here by morning" Dom firmly told him. "Yeah, man!" Brian said before escorting Mia out the door. 

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