Chapter 5

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"Aye Dom, come over here!" Leon said as the team pulled up to the garage. "Do you see what I see or am I crazy?" Leon asked as he pointed to the broken lock and slightly opened garage door.. "Vince! Get the guns from the car!" Dom told him. "Jessie, get ready to open the door!" Dom instructed him as Vince tossed him and Leon riffle guns. On three, Jessie whipped the garage door wide open. Leon, Dom and Vince ran in with their guns up, ready to catch the intruder. "AHH!" Carmen screamed as she dropped the wrench and fell backwards. "Carmen?" Dom asked. "What the HELL are you doing!? You nearly scared me to death!" Carmen shouted at them. "We thought some competition broke into the garage to sabotage or steal!" Dom explained as he helped her up. "Didn't you see my car outside?!" Carmen shouted at the four of them as she dusted off her clothes. "What are you even doing here, girl?" Vince asked. "I had trouble sleeping so I thought I'd come down here and help you boys out with this car" she explained while stepping aside to show them how much work she'd done. "I didn't know you knew your way around cars." Leon said as his eyes shamelessly trailed up and down her greased body. "She's a Toretto, of course she knows her way around cars!" Letty laughed as she joined them. "Well let's not stand here, get to work!" Dom said.

"Hey! Toretto!" a man shouted. Looking over her shoulder, Carmen saw a group of Hispanic men standing in the doorway of the garage. "Vince, who are those people?" Carmen asked him as he came over to grab some more tools. "That's Eric Martinez. We occasionally make deals with them for races, no big deal we do the same thing with other groups if we think they have potential." Vince explained. "Huh... okay" Carmen said before continuing her work on the car.

God I'm hungry.. I think I have some food in the back of my car, Carmen thought as she finished buffering out the sides of the car. "Hey, I'll be right back!" she told Letty as she wiped off her hands. "Hey mamacita." a voice said from behind Carmen as she looked through her car for food. "You must be Eric Martinez." Carmen said as she stood up to face him. "The one and only." he cockily smirked. "If you don't mind, I'm trying to find something to eat. I left some food back here." Carmen said as she bent back over to look through the trunk of her car. "I see something good enough to eat right here." Eric smirked as he roughly slapped her ass. With no hesitation., Carmen spun around and slapped Eric across the face. Humiliated by her rejection, Eric grabbed Carmen's wrists and bound them by her side as he pressed his body against hers. "Stop it!! Get the hell off of me!!" Carmen shouted, gaining the attention of her cousin and the team. She struggled to get out of his grasp but he was too strong. From behind, Leon grabbed Eric's shirt and threw him to the ground. "Aye, you stay the hell away from her!" Leon shouted before landing a punch on Eric's jaw. "Martinez!!" Dom shouted as he stormed over to the chaos. "Hey, Toretto, man she was--ughhh!!!" Eric tried lying but was cut off when Dom wrapped his hand around his throat. "You stay the hell away from my cousin and our deal is off!! You show your face here again and it'll be the last time you do!!!" Dom threatened. Eric rapidly nodded his head as Dom let him go. "Girl, you okay?" Letty asked Carmen. "I'm fine. Disgusted, but fine" she replied. "Are you sure you're alright?" Leon asked Carmen again as he examined her wrists. "Yeah, I'm good. Thank you." Carmen told him. "Alright, everyone back to work" Dom said, ushering everyone back inside. 

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