Chapter 19

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Race wars. It was the biggest racing event that took place in the sandy deserts outside the city. It was crazy to Carmen to see thousands of people now coming from all over to compete compared to the hundreds that used to come when Dom and the team first started race wars.

Carmen gripped her steering wheel as she pulled up to the starting line. "Hey, mami!" her opponent shouted. "How about we put an extra four thousand on this race?" the guy asked as he cockily held up his wad of cash. Carmen rolled her eyes at another cocky male racer who underestimated women. "It is my first race" she lied, coming off as innocent and naïve. "I'll make it five grand and I'll even go a little easy on you!" the guy said, desperate to show off. "Well... okay!" Carmen said as she fake giggled like a schoolgirl as they pulled up to the starting line. "You ready?" the guy asked as he pointed at Carmen. "Set?" he asked as he pointed over at her opponent. "GO!" he shouted as he waved the flag down. Smirking to herself, Carmen pressed the pedal to the floor, leaving her opponent in the dust.

Squealing with delight, Carmen hopped onto her boyfriend's back as he was talking to some random guy she had never met before and Jessie. "Look at what I just won!" she happily squealed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and fanned out the five thousand dollars she had just won from the cocky racer. "Holy shit, girl!" Jessie laughed. "Carmen, that's amazing baby!" Leon exclaimed as she slid off his back. "That's what cocky guys get for underestimating girls!" Carmen laughed. "I'm so proud of you!" Leon said as he picked her up by her waist and spun her around. "Ooo, whatever you're cooking smells amazing, babe!" Carmen said as he set her down. "Barbeque ribs and some burgers. Should be ready in a few minutes" Leon said. "I'll go put this money in the safe and help set up for lunch" Carmen said as she pecked his cheek. "Aye!" she yelped as her boyfriend slapped her ass. Leon playfully winked at her, making Carmen smile.

Carmen sat on Leon's lap as everyone ate lunch and swapped stories, occasionally cheering for those who were racing. "Jessie? Are you okay?" Mia asked as she saw him frantically walking around, tearing things apart as if he were looking for something. "My race is coming up and I can't find the slip to my car!" Jessie shouted. "Jessie, you can't race for your pink slip!" Mia said. "She's right Jessie, this is a bad idea." Carmen said as she and her cousin shared a worried glance. Jessie was brilliant when it came to fixing up cars and making them better, but he wasn't the greatest racer. "I'll go get your car to the line, you find that slip!" Leon shouted at Jessie. "Carmen, help him!" Leon added as he ran through the crowd.

"Oh shit..." Carmen trailed off as she and Leon watched Jessie lose his race and more importantly the slip to his dad's car. "Dom!!" Leon shouted as they ran back to the trailer. "Aye, Dom!! We've got a problem!" her boyfriend told her cousin as he pointed to Jessie who drove off. "What happened?" Dom asked. "Jessie lost his race against Johnny Tran. He bet the slip to his car!!" Carmen explained. "Shit!" Dom said. "Toretto!" Johnny Tran shouted as he slammed his car door. "Where's he going with my car?!" Johnny Tran shouted at Dom. "He's uh... going to get it cleaned." Dom poorly lied. "TORETTO!!!" Johnny Tran screamed when Dom turned his back to him. "Swat came into my house!! They embarrassed me in front of my family!! Someone ratted me out and I know it was you!!" Johnny Tran accusingly shouted. In the blink of an eye, Dom threw a punch at Johnny, landing right on his jaw. "I didn't rat out no one!!" Dom shouted. "Leon, move!!" Carmen said as she pushed him aside, punching one of Johnny Tran's crew members who came to attack Dom. "Carmen, duck!" Leon said as he pushed her down, punching another member of Johnny Tran's crew. Creating a brawl between everyone who was around them. 

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