Final Chapter

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"Aye, there you are! About time you got here, girl!" a voice said as Carmen and Leon stepped out of his new car. "Hey, Tej!" Carmen giggled as she gave him a hug. "Tej, this is my boyfriend Leon. Babe, this is my friend Tej" she said as she introduced the two men to each other. "Aye man it's good to meet you. Carmen has told me a lot about you" Tej said as he shook Leon's hand. "Same here," Leon said. "Nice garage you've got here" Leon added as he gestured to the building behind him. "Thanks man, it's one of many!" Tej proudly told him. "So Carmen tells me that you guys have hit some trouble" Tej said. "Yeah we're going through a bit of a rough patch. We've gotta stay low for a while. It sucks, man!" Leon told him. "That's what you get when you try to pull off stupid shit!" Tej joked. "Anyway, I'm heading up to Miami. Hottest place in the states right now for street racing so my garage will be making bank! In the meantime..." Tej trailed off as he tossed the garage keys at Leon. "Are you serious, man?" Leon chuckled. "I called in a favor for us" Carmen told her boyfriend as she giggled at his reaction. "It's the only and best garage here in Costa Rica and now, it's yours" Tej said. "We made a deal. You and I can live here and work the garage and Tej gets twenty percent of the money we make since it's still his garage" Carmen explained to Leon. "This is amazing!" Leon chuckled. "Be blessed that your girlfriend is like a sister to me, otherwise I wouldn't be doing this much" Tej told him. "Thanks man!" Leon said as he gave Tej a bro hug. "We're forever grateful for this" Carmen added as she hugged him. "Shit, I'm gonna miss my flight if I don't leave! Call me if there's any problems!" Tej told them as he hoped in his car. "I can't believe this is ours now," Leon told Carmen. "You ready for this?" she asked him. "Yeah, I'm ready" Leon replied as he wrapped his arm around her. "Let's start our new life"

The End 

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