Chapter 18

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"Carmen?" Dom said as he saw his cousin sleeping on the pull out couch in the garage. "Hmm? Oh, hi Dom" Carmen groggily said as she sat up. "Carmen, what are you doing here?" Dom asked her. "Were you crying?" Brian asked once he saw her face. "Hmm? Oh, yeah a little" Carmen sniffled as she wiped her tear stained face. "Have you been here all night?" Vince asked her. "Yeah," Carmen sighed. "Did something happen at the house?" Dom asked. "Kind of," Carmen told him. "Kind of?" Vince echoed. "Leon and I got into a pretty big fight. I couldn't stay there with him so I came here, I didn't have any other place to go to spend the night" she explained. "What happened?" Brian asked her. "I'd rather not say..." she replied. "Carmen, what was the fight about?" Dom gently asked as he sat down next to her. "I was angry when I heard that you and Vince had gone after Brian. Leon thought that I was upset because I wanted to be with Brian instead of him. I might've slapped him before chewing him out, explaining that I was upset because you guys were trying to ruin Mia's happiness" Carmen explained. "So he got jealous?" Vince asked. "Yeah, I did" a fifth voice said. Everyone spun around to see Leon sheepishly standing in the garage with his hands in his pockets. "Carmen, can I please talk to you?" he pleadingly asked her. "You've got some nerve showing up here" Vince protectively said. "It's okay, Vince," Carmen said as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's talk outside," she told Leon.

"Baby, I'm so sorry!" Leon immediately apologized to Carmen once they were outside. "Do you really believe all those things you said? Do you not trust me?" Carmen tearfully asked him. "Of course I trust you!" he said. "I said all those things because I was jealous. I mean, just look at him! He comes into town and all of the sudden Mia's going goo goo over him and you're quick to his defense! I just... well I lost it. I'm so so sorry baby" Leon explained with a sigh. "What you said really hurt, Leon" Carmen told him. "You made me feel as if you were doubting my love for you" she added as she started to cry. Tearing up himself, Leon wrapped his around his girl. "I'm sorry... I was jealous and I acted like a total idiot. Please forgive me, Carmen!" Leon pleaded into her ear. "I forgive you" Carmen muttered against his shirt. Pulling back, Leon cupped her face and kissed her. "They made up!!" Brian shouted to Dom and Vince. Carmen and Leon laughed at their spying friends as they broke apart from their kiss. "Aye, I love you Carmen" Leon said as he gently moved her face back to his. "I love you too, babe" Carmen softly said as he kissed him again. 

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