Chapter 13

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"Fuck this fucking piece of shit!!" Leon shouted as he threw his wrench to the ground. After a couple weeks, Leon was finally cleared by the doctor, meaning he could go back to working in the garage and racing as soon as he fixed his car. While Carmen and the team rushed Leon to the hospital the night of the accident Hector and his crew towed Leon's car to the garage so the cops wouldn't get it. Leon's car was totaled beyond repair, but he was determined.

"Hey man, relax" Jessie said as he walked over to Leon. "This is an easy fix, man. I can--" Jessie tried to offer when Leon cut him off. "I'll fix it myself!" he snapped. Jessie raised his hands in surrender and backed up. Carmen pursed her lips as she put a hand on Jessie's shoulder. "He didn't mean to snap at you Jessie" she told him. "I know. He just needs to chill" Jessie said as he flicked his cigarette to the ground. "Carmen, go take care of him. The rest of us will call it a day" Dom told her. "Don't worry, I got him" Carmen said as the team left.

"Leon." Carmen softly said once the team left and she shut the garage door. "Not now, Carmen" Leon snapped as he slammed another tool back onto the tray. "I think you should take a break." she softly suggested as she walked towards him. "Not now," he repeated. "You're stressed, babe" Carmen said as she hugged him from behind. Her delicate fingers softly traced over the number eight on his jersey. "Leon, you aren't going to be able to figure out how to fix this when you're stressed. You can't focus, you need a break" she added as her fingers trailed under his jersey, running them up and down his toned chest. Leon's hands gripped the car as his head dipped down. "Mhmm" he groaned, his muscles relaxing under her touch. "You're right" he said as he spun around and picked her up, wrapping her legs around him. "I need a break" he muttered as he leaned in to kiss her. Carrying Carmen over to the pull out futon couch the team kept in the garage, Leon sat down with Carmen straddling him. Trailing the kiss from her lips to her neck, Leon's hands slowly pulled Carmen's shirt over her head, tossing it to the side. "Leon!" she gasped as he ripped her bra off next. Closing her eyes in pleasure, Carmen tilted her head back as Leon kissed and sucked along her bare chest. Pulling his jersey off, Carmen tossed it on the floor next to hers. Picking her up, Leon laid Carmen down. His rough hands ran up her smooth legs before ripping off her shorts and panties at the same time. "Holy shit." Leon muttered in awe as he took in the sight of his naked girlfriend. Grabbing his hands, Carmen pulled Leon down to her and into another kiss. Her hands ran over his muscular back until she reached his boxers, hooking her fingers around the band, she quickly pulled them off. Pulling back from the heated kiss, Leon pushed Carmen's legs open as he began leaving hickeys along her inner thigh. Carmen dug her nails into the cushion on the pull out futon couch in anticipation. Without warning, Leon began to eat Carmen out. "Oh! Leon!" she gasped as her hands flew to grab his hair. "O-Oh!!!" she whimpered as he harshly held her hips down. "Leon, babe o-oh!!" Carmen gasped as he came close. Pulling away at the edge of her climax, Leon rubbed his tip against her dripping wet folds. "Fuuckkk" Leon moaned as his large length filled her up. "F-Faster!" Carmen begged him as he leaned down to kiss her. Leon's thrusts quickened as Carmen wrapped her legs around his waist, the new angel was hitting her g-spot. Goosebumps arose on Carmen's skin as Leon panted along the shell of her ear. "O-oh-ah!" Carmen screamed as she reached her climax. Leon's thrusts got sloppy before releasing himself inside his girl.

Pulling an old sheet over them, Leon rolled onto his side to face Carmen. "Thank you, baby" he said as he brushed some hair out of her face. Carmen hummed in content as she leaned up to kiss him. "I told you that you needed to relax." she giggled, making Leon playfully roll his eyes. "I love you, Carmen... I love you so much. You know that, right?" he seriously asked as he looked deep into her brown eyes. "Of course I do!" she said. "Why would you ask me that?" she asked as she ran her hands through his hair. "I never want you to feel like I don't love or appreciate you, I do. I know I've been tense and snapping at everyone lately, and I'm sorry" Leon explained as he reached up to grab her hand, moving them down to his chest to lace their fingers. "We all have those days, it's okay" Carmen assured him. "I love you, Leon" she yawned as she began to drift off to sleep. 

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