Chapter 12

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Carmen stood at the end of the line with the rest of the team as they watched Leon race against some new kid on the block. "YEAH BABE LET'S GO!!" Carmen screamed as Leon had the lead in the race. Within the blink of an eye, the new kid bumped the back of Leon's car, causing it to spark and flip. "LEON!!" Carmen screamed as his engine caught fire once it landed upside down. "VINCE!! JESSIE!! GET HIM OUTTA THAT CAR!!!" Dom screamed as they all raced over to the burning vehicle. "No no no no, NO!" she screamed as she ran towards the burning car. "Carmen!!" Letty and Mia shouted as they ran after her. "Jessie, let me go!! LET ME GO!" Carmen screamed as he wrapped his arms around her to keep her back from the burning car as her cousin and Vince pulled her boyfriend from the wreckage. Pushing herself out of Jessie's arms, Carmen ran up to the wreckage, kneeling down next to her boyfriend. "Is he alive?! Is he hurt?! Dom, what's going on!?" Carmen panicked. "We gotta get him to a hospital, man" Vince told Dom as he saw the second degree burns on Leon's forearms. "Hospital!?" Carmen echoed as she began to hyperventilate. "Jessie, go with Vince and get Leon to the hospital. The girls and I will meet you there" Dom told him.

As Dom pulled up to the closest hospital, Carmen was out of the car before he could even park. "Oh my god!!" she gasped upon seeing her boyfriend limp out of the hospital. Running up to him, Carmen almost knocked him over. "Oh my god!" she sobbed into his shoulder as she hugged him tightly. Leon let out a shaky breath as he wrapped his arms tightly around her, falling into her embrace. "What's the update?" Dom asked as Carmen carefully guided Leon towards the car. "I've got second degree burns on my forearms, concussion and a few bruised ribs" Leon groaned. "But you're alive," Mia gratefully said. "I can take him home" Jessie told the team. The two of them shared an apartment together, which no one understood since they spent most of their time at the Toretto house. "No... I want him to stay at the house tonight with me." Carmen immediately said. "I think that's a good idea. Everyone's gonna need to pitch in to help take care of Leon until he's cleared from the doctor" Dom said. "Can we go home, please? My head's killing me, man" Leon said. "Yeah, c'mon babe. Let's go home"

Carmen painfully watched as Leon put ointment and fresh gauze on his forearms. A sob accidentally escaped her lips, catching the attention of her boyfriend. "Hey... c'mere" Leon softly said as he reached out for her. As soon as his arms were wrapped around her body, Carmen broke down into sobs. Her body shook as she clutched onto him, scared that he would disappear. "I'm alive" he hoarsely whispered into her ear. "I-I was so scared." she sobbed into his shoulder. "I know. I was too" he honestly told her. "I-I saw the wreckage a-and I-I..." Carmen trailed off, breaking into more sobs. "Hey, hey, look at me, baby..." Leon said as he pushed back enough to cup her face. "I'm alive. We're okay" he said. "Let's go to bed, yeah? I think we both could use some sleep." he said. Nodding her head in agreement, Carmen climbed into bed, curling up into his side. "I love you Leon" she mumbled as he held her tight. "I love you too, baby," he replied, kissing the top of her head. 

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