Chapter 10

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"Aye Mia! Where's Carmen??" Leon asked as the team came back from selling most of the items they had stolen from the cargo truck a few weeks ago. "She's up on the roof" Mia replied. "The roof?" Leon echoed in confusion. "She's still a little shaken from the heist. She usually goes up to the roof when she's stressed or if she needs to clear her head." Mia told him. "She didn't say anything to me," Leon said. "She didn't want you to worry about her when you guys were trying to sell the stuff," Mia said. "I'll go talk to her." Leon said as he left out the backdoor to see the ladder set up.

"Hey baby!" he greeted as he walked across the roof over to where she was sitting. "Hey babe! How'd you know I was up here?" Carmen asked as she greeted him with a peck on the cheek. "Mia told me," Leon said. "She also told me you were still shaken up about the heist" he added. Carmen sighed. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "I was embarrassed," Carmen confessed. "I don't understand," Leon said. "You guys do this all the time and the one time I go I mess it up., and I got so freaked out about it that it scares me... I'm not like you guys, all tough and badass" she told him. "Hey, look at me" Leon gently said. "It's okay to be scared. We all get scared. I was scared watching you on that truck. Dom was scared when the truck fell. All of us are scared when we go out to pull another heist" he told her. "And you are plenty badass, baby!" he chuckled, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her into his side. "Thanks, babe" Carmen gratefully said as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Do you ever think this will stop?" Carmen asked after some silence. "Will what stop?" Leon asked her. "These jobs, the heists. Street racing for money. Do you think they'll stop and all of us can live in peace?" she clarified. "Maybe one day, I don't know." Leon said. "Don't you want the jobs to stop?" Carmen asked him in curiosity. "I do, but it also scares me. Without racing, I don't know what I'd do" Leon honestly said. "What about having a family? Have you ever thought about that?" Carmen asked. "Well..." he trailed off. "Well what, Leon?" Carmen nervously asked. "This big heist that Dom's planning, it's supposed to be worth millions for each of us." Leon said. "Okay..." Carmen said. "I've been thinking... if we pull this big heist off and we get that money, I thought it'd be nice for us to move out of east L.A. and go wherever. We'd have the money to buy a house and have kids and we wouldn't have to worry about anything, we'd be set for life. I could open my own shop and still work with cars but not have to race them for a living." Leon said. "Are you serious, babe?" she tearfully asked him. "Yeah, what do you think?" Leon asked her. "I love it! I want it all and I want it with you Leon!" Carmen giggled as she kissed him. "I was hoping you'd say that" he cheekily said before kissing her again. 

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