Chapter 17

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"Hey Dom, I got the--" Carmen cut herself off when she saw that her cousin was no longer sitting in the living room with the rest of the team. "Where's Dom? And Vince?" Carmen asked the others. "We don't know" Jessie and Leon replied in unison. Dom forgot to buy snacks for the team's movie night, and asked his cousin if she would run to the store to get some. Cocking her brow at them in suspicion, Carmen set the bag of snacks down and crossed her arms over her chest. "You're lying" she said. "Where are they?" she asked the boys again. "We've got no idea" Jessie said again. "Leon?" Carmen asked, narrowing her eyes at him. "I-I um... I-I can't say. I'm sorry, baby" Leon stuttered as he avoided her gaze. Rolling her eyes, Carmen grabbed Jessie by his ear and roughly pulled him up off the couch. "Ow ow ow ow!!" Jessie chanted. "Where are they!?" she shouted. "They went after Brian!" Jessie shouted, caving into the pain. "What!?" Carmen shouted as she let go of Jessie's ear. "Why!?" she shouted. "Vince thinks that Brian's a cop and convinced Dom to follow him to see where he goes and what he does" Leon explained to her. "And you let him!?" Carmen shouted. "Why do you care so much if they go after Brian!?" Leon shouted as he stood up off the couch. Something about the way she was worked up about the situation irked him. "Do you like him or something!?" he accusingly shouted at her. "Excuse me, do you hear yourself right now!? Brian is dating Mia!!" Carmen shouted back. "But you wish it was you, don't you!?" Leon fired back out of jealousy. "What is going on down here? I'm trying to sleep!!" Letty said as she leaned against the stairs railing. Appalled by his words, Carmen slapped Leon straight across his face. "Oh shit.." Letty whispered as she looked over at Jessie who was as shocked as her. "I care about what happens to Brian because I care about Mia! She never gets to go out and do anything she wants to! She never gets to date whomever she wants without you guys scaring the man off! She's miserable and Brian makes her happy and you guys are being assholes for trying to ruin that for her! I'm trying to protect her happiness and let her enjoy life!" Carmen shouted in her boyfriend's face. Leon's jealousy faded into guilt upon hearing his girlfriend's angry words. "A-And for you to think t-that I..." she trailed off as tears welled up in her eyes and her voice cracked with emotion. "T-To think that I-I would rather be with him than y-you... that hurts" she cried. "Carmen..." Leon guiltily trailed off as he reached out for her. "Don't!" she sharply said, stepping back from his outreach. "I-I don't want to be near you right now" she sniffled as she grabbed her keys and coat and left.

"Fuck! What did I just do!?" Leon shouted at himself as he punched the chair. "You got jealous." Letty said from the spot on her stairs. "I should go after her" Leon said as he advanced towards the door, but Jessie stepped in his way. "I-I don't think that's a good idea, man" Jessie said. "No, I need to apologize" Leon insisted as he tried to push past Jessie. "No, Jessie's right, man. You gotta let Carmen cool off for the night" Letty told Leon. "You can apologize to her tomorrow" she added. Leon sadly sighed. "I fucked up" he muttered. "Yeah you did. But it happens in every relationship. You guys will work it out" Letty told him before going back to sleep. 

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