Chapter 8

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Everyone watched and cheered as Letty raced the shit out of wannabee skanks. Carmen was walking back to the team with a bet for Letty when a body stepped in her path. "Hey sweet cheeks!" the man said. "Do yourself a favor and walk away while you still can," Carmen told him. "Ooh feisty... I like the feisty ones!" he smirked, stepping closer to her. Suddenly the man was pulled back by his shirt. "Back off man, she's taken!" Leon shouted. "Whoa, hey okay my bad, man!" the guy said as he raised his hands up in surrender. "Thanks Leon!" Carmen said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I've got you, baby!" he replied as they walked back to the team. Sitting back down on the hood of his car, Leon pulled Carmen onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist to keep her from sliding off.

Everyone cheered loudly as Letty won another race by a landslide. "Damn Letty! You're on a big roll tonight!" Carmen exclaimed as Letty walked over to them with a large wad of cash in her hand. "Don't mess with the big dogs!" Letty said as Dom picked her up and kissed her. The team was enjoying their night until they heard the familiar sirens of the police. "COPS!!!" someone screamed. Everyone began scrambling around looking for rides to get out, including Carmen and the team. "Vince, grab Mia!!" Dom shouted as he shoved Jessie into his car. "Carmen, go with Letty!!" Leon shouted over the chaos. Grabbing her arm, Leon shoved her into the backseat of Letty's car. "No! No, Leon, I'm staying with you!!" Carmen protested as she tried to get out of the car, but Leon shoved her back in and shut the door as Vince threw Mia in from the other side of the car. "LETTY GO NOW!!" Dom screamed. She didn't think twice before speeding off, taking one of the long ways back to the house.

The girls were the first ones back to the house. As soon as they got inside, Mia turned on the police scanners. Mia liked racing, she enjoyed the nights out to have carefree fun, but she always worried that Dom would get sent back to prison if he were to get caught. "Relax Mia, they won't get caught! We have multiple escape routes for this reason." Letty said as she grabbed herself a drink. "I'm sure Letty's right. Give it another ten minutes and they'll be piling in" Carmen said as she turned on the tv.

An hour passed by before the girls heard an engine roar pull up to the house. Surprisingly, Vince and Jessie were the first of the guys to come home. "Oh, you guys made it!" Carmen exclaimed as she hugged the two of them. "Where's Dom?" Letty asked the guys, not feeling as confident as she did when they first came home. "Where's Leon?" Carmen asked. "I don't know, man." Jessie said. "We lost them in the mix of everyone running and racing outta there" Vince added. "Oh god" Mia groaned as she fell back onto the floor next to the police scanner. "I'm sure they're fine," Letty said. As if on cue, Leon and Dom walked into the house. "Dom!!" Mia exclaimed as she jumped up to hug her brother. "What happened to you two?" Vince asked. Dom had a busted lip and Leon had a bruised jaw. "Some guys tried hijacking our car and we got into a fight" Dom told them. "Did the cops see you?" Mia asked. "It was close. but no," Leon told her. "Come on, let's go get you all cleaned up" Carmen said as she guided Leon into the kitchen.

"Stop moving." Carmen firmly told her boyfriend as she pressed the wet rag on his bruised jaw. Leon hissed in pain and flinched, trying to move away. "Leon, stop moving!! There's a cut on your jaw and I've got to clean it or it'll be infected!" Carmen huffed as she continued dabbing it on the injury. "It hurts!" Leon told her. "Well, I'm done now!" she replied, setting the rag on the counter. "Aye, c'mere... " Leon softly said as he gently grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. Carmen straddled his waist as Leon wrapped his arms around her, his hands falling on the curve of her ass. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "I'm fine. I'm sorry, I was just worried about you and then you show up with a bruised jaw, I just..." Carmen sighed. "I'm fine, baby. It's not my first fight and I'm sure it won't be the last" Leon chuckled. "I was more worried about you," he added. "Me?" she echoed. "I wasn't sure if you had gotten away or if you were caught and being taken to the station. I was worried." he told her. Carmen smiled softly at him as she kissed his cheek. "I was worried about you too. Mia had the scanners on and I was secretly listening to them" she confessed. "Well you never have to worry about that," Leon said. "No?" Carmen said, tilting her head to the side.. "I'm not getting caught when I'm coming home to you" he sweetly said. "Oh..." Carmen trailed off as her heart swelled. Leaning close she lovingly pressed her lips against his. "In the kitchen? Really?" a voice said. Pulling apart, Vince stood in the doorway of the kitchen with a look of disgust. "Sorry Vince" Carmen giggled as she stood up off Leon's lap. "Sorry, man." Leon said as he placed his hand on Carmen's lower back and guided her back into the living room. "Alright everyone let's call it a night. We've got a job to do tomorrow" 

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