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I'm in a terrible mood. I feel terrible, physically and mentally. Patyn has been awfully quiet, and it's driving me insane! Last time he was this quiet... Bad things happened. And now that I'm pregnant, I feel as though things are so much worse. Yes, I went to see a doctor last week, and it's confirmed, I am pregnant. Now, I know what you're thinking, and I was worried about Zuko finding out, but I got worried- not about Zuko, but our baby. I can't have just anyone finding out I'm pregnant, and I wanted to make sure my baby was ok. The doctor gave me her word that she would keep this between us and no one else, that includes Zuko. He might be my husband, but my medical information is my business and my business only! As long as I'm not dying, they can't tell him a thing- I'm sorry, I'm being rude. I don't mean to be cranky, there's just so much going on. I can't help it.

I should be enjoying my pregnancy, I'm going to be a mom for crying out loud! But Patyn is on the run and going to do who knows what next! I can't tell my husband or my friends that I'm having a baby, and I feel sick. I've been sick almost everyday since finding out, and that was a week ago! It's awful, everything is awful. I just need the world to slow down so I can capture Patyn and throw him under the jail so I can finally enjoy my pregnancy with my husband by my side. That's all I want. As a kid, before I met uncle, I traveled by myself for years. I yearned for a family. I'm finally starting my own little family, and Patyn is running around causing chaos. It's not fair.

"Kimi!" Sokka calls while running into the room.

"What is it?" I panic.

Oh no, Patyn must be back! He probably found out about my pregnancy!

"Hi," he says simply with a smile.

I let out a breath, anfld my shoulders fall. You've got to be kidding me! There's a maniac on the loose and he says hi? There is no time for hello's! We have work to do!

"Are you kidding me, Sokka? We're on the verge of another war and all you have to say is... Hi? There is no times for games! My ex boyfriend," I start while on the verge of sobbing, "is causing chaos. He's threatening not just my home, but my people, everything I love, and all you can say... is hi?!"

"Whoa, Kimi. I'm- I'm sorry. I was kidding! I just wanted to lighten the mood. I- I- hug? How about a hug? You love those!" He says nervously.

"No! I'm tired of hugging! I don't want anyone to touch me! I just need everything to be ok."

'Calm yourself, Kimi,' I hear a voice say.


"Kimi," Sokka calls. "Are you sure you're ok? I'm worried about you."

" ... No, I'm not ok... I'm sorry, Sokka. I should've never blown up at you. It's just... "

"What is it, Kimi? You can tell me," he says kindly.

Sokka is like my brother. He kept my secret when he found out I was an airbender, I should be able to trust him with this. And I hate not being able to share this moment with him and the rest of out friends.

"You have to promise me you won't tell anyone..."

"Just tell me," he says.

"Ok... I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?! Kimi, that's great!..."

I study his face. He's excited, sure, but I can see the worry in his eyes.

"Just say it," I tell him.

"I'm really happy for you and Zuko, it's just Patyn I'm worried about. What if he ambushes us again? I can't have you getting hurt. You're like my sister, and now you're pregnant."

Kimi (ATLA) (Coco; Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now