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This drama in this chapter, *chef's kiss


I watch from the window as the chaos unfolds throughout the town. I watch as Suki has a standoff with one of the invaders. I can't see their face. I just know Patyn has something to do with this. His people are running around Kyoshi destroying anything they can get there hands on! During the years I was gone and Zuko was Firelord by himself, he never had so many Ozai supporters causing this much trouble. Patyn has convinced them that he's going to release Ozai, but really, he's not trying to do that all. Ozai is powerless now. Ever since Aang took his bending away, he's been wasting away in his prison cell. I know that, Patyn knows that, and yet he continues to convince these people otherwise.

Suki and the man begin combat, and they're neck and neck. I don't know where Patyn got this man from, but this isn't good. Anyone who can keep up with Suki, the Kyoshi Warriors in general, is a problem. A big problem!

My palms are clammy, my forehead is sweaty, and I have butterflies in my stomach. This is torture! After what seemed like hours of fighting, my face flushes and I almost throw up at the sight that unfolds in front of me. Without hesitation, I run outside, the smoke from the fires immediately wells up in my lungs, and sut begins to cover my skin. I fall to my knees as I scoop up a passed out Suki. Her makeup is smudged, her nose is bleeding, and her body lays limp in my arms. I quickly pat out the embers that climb up her Kyoshi uniform.

"Help! Ty Lee, anybody!" I scream.

"Looks like I forgot one."

Across from me stands the man who hurt my friend... Oh my god...


"I thought I took care of all of you."

What is he- Oh my goodness, the makeup! Ty Lee and Suki did my makeup. I look like a Kyoshi Warrior! He doesn't recognize me.

"Please, don't," I beg. "I'll do anything, just leave my friend alone."

He lets out an evil laugh and shakes his head.

"How pathetic. I've heard stories of the Kyoshi warriors, their bravery, and how skilled in combat they were. Looking at you beg for your life, I guess they were just stories... Filled with falsehoods. Now be still, it'll be over quickly," he says darkly.

This reminds me of the night he burned me. That familiar feeling overwhelms me. I'm frozen as he takes his stance, and just as he begins to build a firey inferno in the palm of his hand, I scream.

"Wait! Wait, please. I'm pregnant!" I admit with my hands in the air. I am probably going to regret doing that later.


"Y- yes," I say again as I gently remove Suki from my lap.

Trembling, I untie the belt holding my robe that Suki lent me into place, and I lift my shirt to show him the small baby bump that's been developing for the past few weeks. My hands are shaking.

"I- I know who you're here for," I start, "and she isn't here, I swear to you. Listen, if you really love her, you will take your friends and leave this place. If you kill me and my unborn child, she will never forgive you. Just leave so I can help my friend."

He looks at me for a moment. I pray he's buying it, that he won't see right through me. That he won't see that he's not talking to a Kyoshi Warrior, but actually to the person he's been trying to hunt since we've broken up. He lowers his stance, turns, and walks away without saying another word. After several minutes, and knowing that him and his men are finally gone, I can finally breath, despite the air being clouded with thick smoke. I immediately crawl back over to Suki and take her in my grasp yet again. I rock her in my arms as I start sob uncontrollably.

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