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Back at the palace.

I stand on the balcony as the wind gently blows through my curls. I've been spending a lot of my time to myself since we left the South Pole three days ago. Katara, Sokka, and Hakoda said gran-gran's service was still beautiful, and that Patyn didn't ruin a thing. Sokka said gran-gran would have loved the action, but I think he was just trying to make me feel better. The amount of guilt I feel is overwhelming. Patyn and I were finally face to face, and it was my time to get rid of him once and for all, but I couldn't. Katara and I were the only one's not being bloodbent by his little minion. Katara is a bloodbender herself, so she was able to fight it, and of course Patyn wouldn't do that to me since he thought I would join him. He's so stupid, like I'd ever leave Zuko.

I wanted to take Azula's advice, play with Patyn's head and "join' him," but I couldn't! Zuko was right there, I couldn't break his heart like that. Even if it wouldn't have been real, I just couldn't do it. Luckily the trio left without doing to much damage to anyone, but I can't say the same for their village. Many of the homes in the South Pole were destroyed that day, and the temple was damaged when Patyn broke in After our run in, Katara and I were overpowered and were taken down. When we woke up, Patyn and his followers were gone, while Zuko and our friends were still knocked out cold.

Any other day Katara would have destroyed them, but all she was focused on was getting them away from her children. I was distracted and confused, and just plain angry. Of course I wanted to get them away from the children as well, and even though I have my arrows, I still have so much to learn, and I'll never be as strong as Aang considering he is the Avatar and actually raised by the monks. I also didn't want anyone to hurt Zuko, being bloodbent is painful, and I was really worried they were going to harm him. I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to him. We were outnumbered and overpowered, we lost... I lost.

"There you are."

I turn around to see Zuko leaning again the door frame.

"Yeah, I just needed some air," I lie.

"I know when you're lying, Kimi. You've been avoiding me."


"Actually, you've been avoiding everyone since our return from the south, and you didn't even go around messing with the guards today and tried to make them smile."

He knows me too well.

"Ok, you're right," I admit. "I've been avoiding you, and everyone else."

"You feel bad about what happened."

"Yes!" I cry. "I know I'm an airbender, but I should've ended him right then and there, right? He ruined gran-gran's service, and he could've hurt you and our friends! I just feel like I can't do anything right! Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Sure I could've fought him and ended his life, but what about my culture? My ancestors who would have never condoned taking a life?! But regardles, none of this would be happening if I just listened to you and never dated him, and maybe I should've listened to Azula when she said-"


I look at Zuko, and oh my goodness! I did not mean for that to slip out, that I met up with Azula. He's going to be furious with me for going behind his back. Their relationship hasn't been the best, I should've at least told him, or not see her at all, because now she has me all confused, and I don't know what I should do. Nothing I do is right! I just don't know what I'm doing anymore, and I feel like I'm making everything worse!

"I already know you went to see Azula," He says with a shrug.

"Really? How?"

"I know everything that's going on around here- I'm the firelord. Also, I figured something was going on when your hospital visit was longer than usual."

"I thought you were going to be mad at me."

"Of course not, I knew this would happen eventually. You've always talked about how you wish Azula never did those things. You've always been such an empathetic person, that's why I fell in love with you."

"No it's not," I laugh. "You fell in love with me because I gave you a run for your money."

"Ok, you're right. Now, as firelord I command you to stop being sad and realize none of this is your fault, and never second guess yourself as an airbender, because I, our friends, and the entire world think you're great."

"Really, Zuko? You're going to pull the firelord bit
on me?" I chuckle.

"Yes, did it work?"

"I guess a little," I admit and roll my eyes playfully, but I am not lying this time.

"Good, now come on. We're late for our date."

"Our date?"

"Yes. Our honeymoon was interrupted, so I am taking you to our favorite restaurant, and I rented it out for the night. It'll be just the two of us, plus the live orchestra of course."

"Zukoooo, you're so sweet," I tell him and give him a quick kiss.

I love him.


"Zuko?" I call him as I watch him take a sip of his wine.

This date is so romantic, every girls dream! And though we didn't get the honeymoon we wanted, this was still an amazing night that I'm thankful for.

"Hmm?" He answers softly.

"Do you want to have children one day?" I ask.

"Of course! I think it would be nice to have a little mini me, or you, running around. Why do you ask, were you worried I wouldnt?"

"Mmm, I think I was just curious. I mean, we've never talked about it, and I know we're not Katara and Aang, but they're already on their second kid, and motherhood just looks so.. Nice. Even the crying, the poopy diapers, everything. I want to experience that, and I want to make up for the time I missed with my mother."

"I want nothing more than to give you that. How about after this ordeal with Long is over, we..."

"Try to.." I trail off

"Yes," he finishes.

"Ok then."


Kimi (ATLA) (Coco; Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now