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"Hey, Aang, can I talk to you?"

I need to talk to my mom. I'm desperate, but something weird has been happening and I can't go into the spirit world right now. I miss her and my father, I miss Moirai, and I miss all of my spirit friends I've made along the way. I could always talk to uncle, but he's been living a nice peaceful life running his tea shop in Ba Sing Se. I don't want to interrupt his retirement because of my personal issues. I did this. I dated him, I ignored all the signs, this is on me. Uncle has already done his job, and he deserves peace.

I'm not sure what's going on, but if I can't talk to my mom or destiny, I figure Aang is the next best thing. I mean, he is the Avatar. Even though he's younger than me (I know technically older but whatever), he's still so knowledgeable. Also, this is an airbender problem, so he's the person I should talk to. We have to stick together.

"Hey, Coco-"

"Please, call me Kimi," I cut him off.

My father gave me the nickname Coco when I was very young. Coco will always be apart of me, but being called that name gives me memories I would not like to remember. Coco was burned and scarred by her abuser, Coco had to face Azula and Zuko, and Coco was on her own for three years when her mother left. Kimi became an airbender, Kimi earned her arrows, Kimi reunited with her father and her mother, Kimi survived a war, and Kimi married Zuko.

"Sorry, Kimi. So whatcha need? I know things have been busy with Katara and I starting our family, and you and Zuko running the Fire Nation, but we should catch up. We haven't spent enough time together as we should. I mean, I haven't even fully heard about your journey with Guru Pathik yet."

"I agree," I tell him. "We're the only two airbenders left, we stick together. Plus we've known each other since we were kids."

"Yes," Aang agrees. "We've been friends since my first days out of the iceberg. You saved me from being taken to the Fire Nation, and you saved Zuko from making a terrible mistake. I appreciate you so much, and I owe you a lot."

"You're sweet. You always know what to say... Which is why I need to talk to you... I have a problem, and I really need your help."

We're the only airbenders left...

I actually feel bad for Aang. He loves his children with all his heart, but finding out that Bumi wasn't a bender was very much shocking. He still had faith that Kya would be an airbender, but right now, she's showing signs of a strong waterbender. They're still great kids and their parents love them, but with Aang and I being the only airbenders left, it feels overwhelming sometimes.

"I'll do my best," he says startling me a bit.

"Well, I'm conflicted.. About seeing Patyn again."

I refuse to call him Pat, or any kind nickname. He's not my friend.

"I know I shouldn't, but.. I want to hurt him so bad. I should've killed him the day of the comet. I just don't understand, and I am so angry! How can he do this? And why would he wait so long, and on my wedding night!? How did he know?"

"I understand what you're going through. I was going to kill Ozai, but as an airbender, we need to find the best ways to resolve conflict before we result to violence."

"I guess you're right," I sigh. "Do you think that's why I can't go into the spirit world.. because I'm stressed, or.."

"How about this, after dinner we'll meditate together and figure out what's going on?" He suggests.

"Um, yeah. Sounds perfect," I agree with a nod and give him a fake smile.

I'm hesitant. I understand that as an airbender our duty is to find the most peaceful, nonviolent route, but.. I'm not so sure of that now. Patyn Long is a malicious, evil, vile man. He has no love or compassion in his heart, and that's based on the prison psychologist he had regular appointments with. He isn't the type of man to back down.

Look what happened to the airbenders. They tried to be peaceful, they tried to resolve conflict without violence, and look what happened. They were wiped out! I'm afraid this strategy is too old fashioned. Times have changed, and Patyn doesn't like to use his words.

What am I going to do?

I would never tell Aang this, but sometimes I wish I weren't an airbender. I spent my entire life as a nonbender, and I was ok with that. Being thrown into an entirely different culture is hard. And even though I've adapted pretty well, I still have days where I struggle. I don't want to be a disgrace, I want to be a strong representation for my ancestors and the Avatar. It's a lot of pressure, and because there are two of us, there's not really anyone besides Aang who I can go to.

Days like this I wish my mom were here, and now I can't even get into the spirit world! I know what I signed up for, but I just want peace for once. I've tried to live my life the best I can be. My mother said to always be kind, my father said to always help those in need.. And yet, it wasn't enough.

I'm still living in this nightmare.


Kimi (ATLA) (Coco; Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now