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Ten people.

That's how many lives were taken away. Three Fire Nation Guards, and seven bystanders, two of which were children. I never thought it would come to this. Having to attend that many funerals in one week, having to face their families... I haven't had a solid meal in what seems like forever, I can't keep anything down. I guess because of my nerves. I just can't stop thinking about those families, and Patyn's mother. Of course we had to alert her that her son is now a global threat. If he runs to her, she's going to have to turn him in. She's so strong, but I'm afraid it'll all be too much for her soon..

Today I am visiting the only person I know who is just as insane as Patyn, who can really help me defeat him by figuring out his next move, and where his head is at.. That's right, I'm going to visit Azula- and no, Zuko does not know. Last time I saw Azula, I was trying to show her kindness and actually be her friend. I can't say that I know exactly what she's feeling, but I do know what loneliness can feel like, but in the end, she tried to attack me and dropped kicked me to the floor. I was telling her about the news of Zuko and I getting married, but I guess she didn't want to hear it. I haven't seen her since then, I haven't had the courage to. It's not that I'm scared, even though I am, it's just that.. I feel sad for her. She's lost everything, and her eyes were just so empty and lost. I know what she did was horrible, and she doesn't deserve freedom, but you can't blame me for having a heart.

"Oh, hello, your majesty," Secretary Ming at the front desk greets me.

I'm familiar with all the nurses here because I try to visit all the patients every once in awhile. Ya know, except Azula.

"Ming, what have I told you? Just call me Kimi. We're friends, right?"

"Oh, yeah! Of course!" She says with a shy smile as she tucks her hair behind her ear. "So, who would you like to see today? They're having a music day in the cafe, maybe you could-"

"Actually, I'm here to see Azula."

I can tell she's extremely surprised, as her face flushes completely. Something tells me that Azula isn't the most pleasant either. Even in a restraining jacket she's still terrifying, and extremely intimidating.

"Ok, um... Right this way!" she tried to say cheerfully, but I can hear the fright in her voice.

Poor women.

We walk down a long hallway that's on the opposite side of the other rooms. It's sad, but I get why they have her separated from the rest of the patients. Unlike her father, Azula still has her bending, but her hands are bound in a straight jacket that is flame resistant. The day Zuko and Katara defeated her, something in her snapped, and she never fully recovered.

"Ok, here we are," Ming directs after walking down three long corridors and two flights of stairs, all guarded of course.

"You're not going in with me?"

"Oh no, your maj- I mean, Kimi. I have to finish working the front desk, but there are two guards inside. Let them know if you need anything, and good luck!"

She waves at me politely as she walks back down the hallway to her desk. I don't know why I asked her that, even I wouldn't want to go in there. I don't want to go in there, I'm scared, but I have to. My home, my friends, the world is in trouble!

Oh, that's a giant lock.

I finally make it inside and see Azula sitting quietly in her desk chair beside her bed. She actually looks peaceful. Her hair is nicely brushed up into a bun on the top of her head, her hospital gown is a nice crisp white that flows just below her knees, and they put some mascara on to make her eyes pop. She seems like a nice girl, that is, until she opens her mouth. I guess that's why she has on a muzzle. She doesn't turn to look at me, so I'm going to make my presence known.

She can't hurt you, Kimi. Stop being a coward and say something!

"Hello, Azula, gentlemen," I say very cheerfully and nod at the guards.

"Your majesty," they answer politely, but Azula doesn't even look my way.

I take a seat on her bed. "Hi, princess. Can we talk, please?"

"What on earth can we talk about? Hmm, how about how you've stolen my friends, my brother, my father, and my country? It's been years, what could you possibly want now?" She asks, quite scary might I add, and still not looking at me.

"Please princess, it's important. I need your advice."

"Why don't you ask Mai, or Tylee? They probably know what I'll say," She says sarcastically.

"Because, nobody knows I'm here. I know we don't get along, but you're still my sister-in-law, and I need you."

She remains silent and doesn't make eye contact.

Stubborn, just like her brother.

"And... I know you're desperate to have some kind of control back in your life. Tell me how to defeat Patyn, and it'll be all because of you. "


"... And I also heard he's trying to ruin your legacy and take over the kingdom.. At least the kingdom is still in the family with Zuko running it. Wasn't it you that said you have to be born into royalty to be royalty? But if you don't want to help me-"

"Hmmm, well I don't know much about him.."


"But, according to the latest gossip circulating around here, he's in love with you, and I know for a fact this will end with a battle. Use that information and destroy him."

"But I'm an airbender, I can't kill him," I explain to her.

I mean, if I weren't an airbender, I'd 100% do it. That's why I've been having a hard time with this. As much as I want to, I just can't.. Can I?

"Then don't," she answers nonchalantly. "Just take him down enough to where he won't ever think about taking another step outside of prison again. Have you thought about torturing his mother?"


"Calm down, I was only kidding. Just do something that'll destroy his mind," She said the last part darkly. "Maybe take away his bending, or give him a scar like he did you, do something that'll show him you mean business."

"Destroy his mind," I repeat in a whisper. "Thanks Azula!"

"Yeah, yeah, how's my father?"

"Well, not too well. I'm sorry to tell you, but your father is dying, Azula. He's completely given up on life now that his bending is gone."

For a split second I can see sadness cross her face, but just as fast as it came, it went, and her face once again turns emotionless.

"But I promise you, I will make sure they do everything they can for him, and I give you my word."

"Ugh, I don't care," she lies.

"And I'll start visiting you more. We're going to have so much fun, it'll be like we're sisters!" I say excitingly and give her a bone crushing hug.

I'm genuinely thankful for her advice. Though unconventional, it's still something. And if it's from Azula, I know it'll work.

"Eww, get off of me!"

Yup, just like sisters!


Author here

This has got to be my favorite chapter I have written so far! Let me know what you guys think. Would you like to hear from Ozai too?

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