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Today I woke up in a really good mood. I guess it's because my date, and after my date, with Zuko last night went really, really, well. I can't believe I use to hate him, we've come so far in our relationship. If you would have told me at 15 that I would end up marrying this guy, I would've laughed in your face. At the time, I had a huge crush on Patyn, or Chain, (I'm rolling my eyes right now), even though I thought Zuko was cute.

I feel so.. different. Mentally, and surprisingly physically. I dont know, it's hard to pinpoint. I'm also feeling very optimistic, like this thing with Patyn is coming to an end. Even though I don't like the idea of prisons, and Zuko is working on a prison reform, now we know that isn't good enough for Patyn. He has to go to a special place. Somewhere where people can't help him escape, and somewhere he's not familiar with. I feel so bad for his mother, she's such a sweet women, but her son is a danger to not just the Fire Nation, but the world.

"Hey there, Ki-" I turn around to see my husband.

"What?" I ask noticing his sudden hesitation.

"Nothing. It's just, I don't know, you look different."

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask shyly.

"No, you look amazing!"

"Oh! Well thank you, you're so sweet. So what were you going to say?"

"Oh! Guess who's here?"

"Who?" I ask confused. We weren't really expecting anyone today.

"Your best friends!"

"Wang and Haru?"

"Yes! Now come on," he says. "They're waiting."

I stand up, but I start feeling a little sick. I ignore it and rush to where Wang and Haru are, it's probably nothing. I'll admit, I use to have a small thing with Haru. It's no big deal, and we never spoke about our feelings until later. I just thought he was cute, and same goes for him. We were never serious, as I'm not interested in him at all anymore, nor is he. We both agreed we're better friends, and dating each other would've ruined our relationship. He's turned out to be an amazing friend, and I'm glad we never got together. Yes, Zuko knows, and he is totally fine with the fact we use to have a crush on each other. I was only 16 at the time, just a child, so of course he's not going to harp on it.

As for Wang, he's always been my best friend, and I am incredibly proud of him. After the siege of the north happened, Wang completely immersed himself into overthrowing soldiers like the ones we encountered in that fishing village, and freeing their towns. As for his love life, just like myself, he is living an amazing life with his husband! And when they're not saving people, they're living a peaceful life on the countryside on their farm growing fresh produce.

"Wang, Haru! What are you doing here?" I ask cheerfully as I wrap my arms around them. The rest of the gaang are here as well, and I don't know, I just feel emotional seeing everyone together again. It feels like old times. Now if Ozai and Azula were to burst through that door, then it'd really feel like old times.

I sniffle a bit.

"Are you crying?" Toph asks me confused.

"Yes!" I sob. "I just love that we're all together again!"

"Well don't cry about it! It's not like we died," Wang laughs.


Wang, Haru, and I decided to get lunch together to catch up. It's been a long time since the three of us have had a best friends day. We call our little group the Triple Threat, just a little something outside of Team Avatar.

"You look great, Kimi!" Haru compliments me.

"Thank you!"

"Yeah," Wang agrees. "You're glowing."

"Well, I have been using a new lotion."

"I'll be back, I'm going to the restroom," Haru says getting up from his seat and walking away.

"So, when were you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I ask Wang, confused by his question.

"That you're pregnant."

I almost fall out of my chair. What in the world is he talking about!?

"I'm not?"

"You really don't know?"

"Why? Do I look bigger to you?" I ask feeling offended.

"No, but you're glowing, and your entire energy is different. When was the last time you..."

"Last night, but that doesn't even make sense. That's way too fast."

"Before that?"

"Maybe a few weeks ago?" I answer.

"Well there you have it, pregnant!" He says with a smile.

"You really think so? I mean, I just asked Zuko last night what he thought of us having children. He's all for it, this is just so inconvenient right now."

"Why? You're going to be an incredible mom."

"It's just not a good time, with everything going on. I have to battle Patyn sooner or later, and if I'm really pregnant, how am I going to do that? Zuko will never let me fight IF I'm pregnant," I reiterate purposely.

"Stop saying IF, because you definitely are, and just don't tell him yet. If Patyn isn't taken down in, let's say two weeks, then just tell him. Because by then you're going to be showing small signs, and Katara will definitely know. Also, if Patyn finds out you're pregnant, he's going to go insane. The less people know, the better."

"I guess you're right, I just hate hiding things from Zuko," I sigh.

"I know, but I promise, everything is going to be ok. I don't want you stressing, ok? You're not alone in this."

"Thank you, Wang."

"Now, since I'm obviously the godfather, for your baby shower I'm thinking..."


"Hey," a voice says from behind, and I Jump a bit. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"Oh, hi Zuko. It's ok."

"You seem distracted since coming back from lunch with Wang and Haru. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, yeah..." I drift off. "So, I think I'm going to see the palace doctor tomorrow."

"Doctor? Are you ok? Are you sick?" He asks worried.

I can't tell him the real reason just yet as to why I need to see the doctor. I have to come up with something.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine. It's just... Time for a checkup."

"A check up? Are you sure you're ok?" He asks.

"Yep, I'm ok! Just a check up."

"Hmm, ok, if you say so. Goodnight, I love you. "

"I love you."

That was close. There's no way I can go to the palace doctor now. I can tell Zuko doesn't fully believe me. I have to go somewhere else to see if I'm actually.. You know. The palace doctor is ordered to tell Zuko whatever he wants, regardless If I tell him not to.

-Wait, I know who I can go to!


Kimi (ATLA) (Coco; Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now