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Leads; Last Part


"Zuko, do you ever wonder what happened to Zhao?"

Today the Gaang is finally getting back together after another break. Katara had to go check on the children back in the poles again, Aang had to handle a situation in the colonies, and Suki had to go back to Kyoshi Island and give an update on the mission. The rest of us used this time to relax and take our mind off of the investigation. Now Zuko and I are in his office waiting for everyone to arrive.

This break was much needed after the events that took palace. I was so emotionally drained after my cherry blossoms were burned down, and even though Zuko ordered for more to be planted immediately, I'll never forget the heartbreak I went through that night. I really spent a lot of time there thinking about the times before we were a team, when Zuko had that weird ponytail, and when uncle took me in. My cherry blossoms is where everything, and I mean everything, happened, and now it's gone.

"We know what happened to him, he was taken into the spirit world," Zuko replies.

"I know, but where in the spirit world? Is he still alive? Did he try to get out of the spirit world? Is he trying to get out of the spirit world?-"

"Whoa, whoa, what's this about? Are you paranoid he'll get out?" Zuko asks.

"No, I was just thinking about our old adventures, and I realized that with all of the trips I've made, I've never seen Zhao anywhere."

"Hmm, I guess you're right. That is weird."

But would it be so far fetched that Zhao made it out of the Spirit World? I mean, we all know what happened to Kyoshi... (A/n read the novels, they're so good!)

"Hey, maybe when I'm able to go back into the spirit world I can find him? That'll be fun! I still want to slap his stupid head."

"So how did that even work?" Zuko asks. "You know, getting into the spirit world?"

"Well, meditating can be difficult. To get into the spirit world, it takes a lot of concentration. As long as I've been doing this, it's hard sometimes. That's why I still haven't been able to find- um, well, you know." I say sadly.

"I know. I don't want you to be sad, I understand that getting into the spirit world is a hard task. I'm already so proud of how much you've accomplished as an airbender."

"Awwe, Zuko!" I exclaim with a hug. I really appreciate him, he always knows how to cheer me up.

"Ugh, there's no time for this. Look alive soldiers!"

Zuko and I look up to see Toph has entered the room in a hurry.

"Hey, Toph, what's going on?" I ask.

"We have to go, we've got trouble."

Zuko and I get up and we, along with Toph, rush out of the room to see Sokka talking to one of the guards, and Suki, Aang, and Katara standing there as well.

"What's going on Sokka?" Zuko asks this time.

"We've got another lead. Someone was just caught by the guards trying to sneak into the palace, and he's also responsible for the arson that took place just hours ago."

"What!" Zuko and I exclaim together.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go people!" Suki says taking charge.

"We need to identify him and figure out why he was trying to break in," Katara says.


"So, did he talk?"

We've been trying to get this arsonist to talk for hours now, but he won't budge! The only thing we we were able to get out of him is that his name is Kaio. He wouldn't talk to our detectives or our investigators, so we sent in Toph. He wouldn't talk to her, so we sent in Sokka, he wouldn't talk to him so we set in Suki in her Kyoshi Warriors attire to scare him, it didn't work. We sent in Aang to REALLY scare him, still didn't work. Now Zuko just got through talking to him, and I'm not sure if he was able to get to him either.

"Actually, yes. He wants to talk to you," Zuko answers.

"Me?" I ask confusingly.

"He said he won't talk to anyone else."

"Uh, ok. I'll go talk to him."

I go into the room to see Kaio chained to his seat, his back facing me. He's a big tan fellow with tattoos littered down his massive arms. Even sitting down he towers over me. I'd be scared of him if he weren't in restraints, and if I weren't a master airbender.

"Mr. Kaio," I call his attention.

He turns to me, and oh, how great. To add on to how scary he already is, he's missing an eye, perfect. He looks me up and down and smirks.

"So, are we going to talk now?" I ask while grabbing a seat for myself.

"Hmm, I see why Master Long is so fascinated with you, I'd have a go at you too, if I didn't hate your husband."

I roll my eyes at him. His language doesn't surprise me. I've spoken to enough Ozai followers in my life to know they have no manners or respect. What does grab my attention is the Master Long comment.

"So, he's calling himself a master now?" I chuckle a little.

"Do not disrespect Master Long!" His sudden outburst startles me a bit. "He's the best there is, and he's promised all of us who have his loyalty that he will get Lord Ozai out of prison to overthrow you and your damn husband! I've come to share our message, your time here is almost up. You and your husband will pay for your crimes."

Because I'm so scared of Ozai, yeah right!

"Kaio, I'd like to share something with you. Your so called "Master," is a lunatic, and he's lying to you. He didn't tell you, did he?"

"Tell me what?" He asks while looking a bit confused.

"That Ozai is on his death bed. Patyn was in prison, and everyone in there knows that Ozai is on his last leg. He takes one step outside of that prison, he'll collapse just from doing the bare minimum. Also, I don't know if you've heard the news, but Avatar Aang took his bending away."

"He- he did? When?" He gulps.

"The day of the comet, he hasn't had his bending since being put into prison," I say nonchalantly. "Your 'oh so perfect' master lied to you. Now, tell me why did your "master" have you set all those fires and sneak into the palace?- Which by the way, we extinguished just in time," I tell him as I smirk in triumph. "But of course we did, because of course there are firebenders in the Fire Nation palace."

He tries to hold eye contact, but he's failing miserably. He drops his smirk and swallows as he tries to act tough.

"He said.. It's a warning, but that's all I'm telling you! You guys are just going to kill me anyways."

"Maybe if you weren't so busy hating on my husband, you'd know that Lord Zuko abolished the death penalty 3 years ago. You're going to be put on trial, and spend however many years at the boiling rock undergoing counseling- you're going to rot in there if I have anything to do with it, so I'd talk if I were you."

"..I don't know how he's going to do it, but Long says he's coming for you," he finally admits.

"But why?"

"I don't know. He said he hates you and your husband for taking down Lord Ozai, but I don't know what to believe now," he says crossing his arms.

"Do you know how he's going to do it?" I ask panicking a bit.

"Didn't you hear me the first time? I said I don't know."

I know I'm safe with my friends and my husband by my side, but not knowing what Patyn is going to do next frightens me to my core. What if he goes after the people I love, like my friends.. My brother.. My husband!?

What am I going to do?


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