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Oh the drama >:)

Leads; Part 2

My talk with Suki was just what I needed. Just two best friends hanging out and talking about our lives outside of running a country and being a Kyoshi Warrior. This life we're living can get chaotic, and having so many people depending on you can be stressful, to say the least, but having people like the Gaang, who truly understand because they go through the same struggles, surrounding you can be so so comforting. Sadly with the investigation going on for so long, Suki has to return to Kyoshi Island soon. Pat- I mean Patyn, is no longer seen as a global threat. His have been pretty tame so far, only destroying a small bookshop in the Fire Nation, and though it's terrible, it isn't Ozai terrible.

Today's been slow, so Zuko and I decided to call it in early. With Patyn being super quiet, I'm afraid he's going to strike soon, so I've decided I need to tell Zuko about what Mrs. Long said. I know it's going to lead to an argument, because I refuse to be taken off this case. I need to do this, I need to be able to defeat Patyn myself. How am I suppose to move on when my past won't let me. I want to enjoy this new era too, but I can't with him running around!

"Ok, goodnight, my love!" Zuko wishes me a goodnight and kisses my forehead.

"Zuko," I start, my voice shaking


"Well... You know I love you more than anything, and I do trust you, but sometimes I don't tell you things because I know you're busy rebuilding the country, and then there's Republic City with Aang, and I just... I just don't want to worry you...- and before you cut me off, I've been working on being more open with you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, but I think I know why Patyn is starting to cause so much trouble -"

"Breath Kimi," he interrupts me.

"Oh yeah," I breath. "When you were away in the bathroom, Mrs. Long told me that Patyn had wrote about me non stop since the first day we met. It's like he's obsessed with me. The night he burned me... he wrote to his and said he couldn't stop loving me, even though he wanted to hate me for being an airbender. I'm afraid Patyn isn't going to stop at just burning down shops. Something is coming, and it's going to be big."

He breaths in deeply. I know Zuko like the back of my hand, but right now, it's hard to read him.

"You're probably furious with me," I say quietly.

"No, not at all. If anything, I'm angry  him. I'm just glad you're being honest with me. I could never judge you because I'm not the best when it comes to talking about things or opening up either. I mean, I have the same fears as you. I don't want you to worry about me either, but this is apart of the job, and this is marriage. We're running the entire country, and we're going to fear sometimes. We both need to remember that we've got this, and we're even better together."

"Zuko... Did uncle tell you that?" I ask amusingly.

"We might've had tea this morning."

I know uncle when I hear it.

"And as far as Patyn being in love with you," he continues. "I've never doubted that, but Patyn was a follower of my father way before you two met. I'm sure love is far from being his motive."

"Ok," I breath.

Maybe he's right. It is silly to think that Patyn is doing all of this because of a relationship that only lasted a few months between two teenagers. I don't know why I was so worried. I was 15, we were children. I am the First Lady of the Fire Nation now, and my husband is the new firelord, Patyn probably can't accept it, especially with Ozai rotting in a cell.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks. "You're my wife, and you're one of the only airbenders left in the world. I want you to be safe."

"I need to do this, Zuko. We're suppose to be moving into an era of peace. We're building a city for gosh sakes! I'm suppose to be building a school, I- I have to rebuild a culture! But I can't because I dated some jerk when I was 15-"

I slowly start to lose it. I'm just so anxious! And every time we're so close to getting him, he's always one step ahead of us.

"Hey, hey, everything is going to be ok. I know you're under a lot of pressure, but I promise we're going to get him. I just wanted to make sure that you're 100% ready to take this on."


My eyes flutter open as Zuko shakes me awake. I look confusingly at the two guards standing at the foot of our bed. I can hear a bunch of commotion going on outside. Feet heavily hitting the ground, people yelling, the few kids we have in the palace crying.

"What's going on?" I ask Zuko.

"There's a fire, we have to go!"

"Aren't there a thousand firebenders here? Just put them out," I mumble.

I hurriedly get out of bed, push my feet into my slippers, and stuff the clip uncle gave me for my birthday years ago into my hair, pushing all the strands away from my face and revealing my infamous scar.We run outside and I stop in my tracks. The palace isn't on fire... but my cherry blossoms are. The cherry blossom that I usually sit under, my favorite cherry blossom, the spot I go to to think and cry has the biggest flames of all. Luckily the fire is contained, but it's still burning, and my cherry blossoms are burned to a crisp. There's so much smoke, I can barely breath! This was my place, this is where I go to let go of all of my stress, this is the place I go to remember, this is the place I go to talk to my mom hoping I can reach her. This was my place, and he ruined it!

...This was no accident.

I fall to my knees, and my heart shatters into a million pieces. There's no way this was an accident. Everyone knew this was my place. 'Kimi's Garden' is what Zuko named it, it surrounds 'Ursa's pound!'

"Zuko," I whisper.

"I know," he mutters. "You were right."


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